蘋果的衛星 SOS 服務對 iPhone 14 用戶免費延長一年

去年十二月蘋果對 iPhone 14 開通了衛星 SOS 服務:「iPhone 14 的 Emergency SOS via satellite (衛星求救服務) 在北美開通」,然後蘋果決定延長一年:「Apple extends Emergency SOS via satellite for an additional free year for existing iPhone 14 users」。


Now also available on the iPhone 15 lineup in 16 countries and regions, this innovative technology — which enables users to text with emergency services while outside of cellular and Wi-Fi coverage — has already made a significant impact, contributing to many lives being saved. Apple today announced it is extending free access to Emergency SOS via satellite for an additional year for existing iPhone 14 users.

在「Use Emergency SOS via satellite on your iPhone」這邊有找到目前開放的地區,算了一下的確是十六個:

Emergency SOS via satellite is available in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, the U.K., and the U.S.

北美洲 (美加) 與大西洋洲 (紐澳) 沒什麼問題,不過歐洲那些區域看起來偏西歐,有點像是衛星訊號的涵蓋性,另外可能還有當地法規的問題?不然以義大利與奧地利的涵蓋範圍,摩納哥與斯洛維尼亞看起來應該也是可以被涵蓋的...

iPhone 14 的 Emergency SOS via satellite (衛星求救服務) 在北美開通

iPhone 14 的 Emergency SOS via satellite 先在北美開通了,包括美國與加拿大地區:「Emergency SOS via satellite available today on the iPhone 14 lineup in the US and Canada」,另外也有提到歐洲的一些區域預定在十二月開通:

iPhone 14 users can now connect with emergency services when cellular and Wi-Fi coverage are not available; the service extends to France, Germany, Ireland, and the UK in December

然後有一些 screenshot 出來了,在沒有 WiFi 與電信訊號的時候打 911 (美國與加拿大的緊急號碼) 會出現透過衛星聯絡的選項:



另外有提供 satellite demo,可以讓使用者不去打擾緊急聯絡中心的前提下熟悉這套流程:

Using the built-in Emergency SOS via satellite demo, users can test satellite connectivity on their iPhone by connecting to a real satellite in range without calling emergency services, allowing them to experience the process and familiarize themselves with the service.

台灣從五家電信業者的 coverage 資料看起來,五家都沒有覆蓋的地區主要是山區:

目前在台灣類似的功能 (要求救的話) 應該是 Garmin inReach 這個產品線,先前在 YouTube 上有看到開箱...