有 Lazy Connection 功能的 PDO object

在「Aura.Sql」這邊看到有提供 Lazy Connection 的 PDO object,而且是繼承自本來的 PDO object:

Provides an extension to the native PDO along with a profiler and connection locator. Because ExtendedPdo is an extension of the native PDO, code already using the native PDO or typehinted to the native PDO can use ExtendedPdo without any changes.

Lazy connection. ExtendedPdo connects to the database only on method calls that require a connection. This means you can create an instance and not incur the cost of a connection if you never make a query.

之後可以拿來跟 LaravelEloquent 一起用看看。本來的 PDO 物件在建立時就會建立連線,對於連線的開銷其實蠻大的,用這個應該是個方向...

另外是 Profiler 的能力,需要用的時候應該會很好用:

Profiler. An optional query profiler is provided, along with an interface for other implementations, that logs to any PSR-3 interface.

引一下來源,當初是從「Atlas.Orm 2.0 Is Now Stable」這邊在看文件時一路看到的。