在 Hacker News 上看到的討論,在 Elon Musk 接手後的 X (Twitter),工程團隊做了什麼事情:「X Engineering Year Retrospective (twitter.com/xeng)」,原推在:
This has been a year full of engineering excellence that sometimes can go unnoticed. Besides all the visible changes you see on our app, here are some of the most important improvements we have made under the hood.
- Consolidated the tech stacks for For you, Following, Search,…
— Engineering (@XEng) October 27, 2023
我比較有興趣的關掉了加州 Sacramento DC 的這個部分,而光是這個 DC 就有 148k 台 server (是 server,不是 VM 或是 container),而且也提到電力少了 48MW,看起來是把這些 server 廢掉,而不是轉到其他機房?
- Shutdown the Sacramento data center and re-provisioned the 5,200 racks and 148,000 servers, which generated more than $100M in annual savings. In total, we freed up 48 MW of capacity and tore down 60k lbs. of network ladder rack before re-provisioning it to other data centers.
話說一個 Twitter 機房用 48MW... 查了一下台電網站,核三的一個機組的供電量也才 951MW:
而且 Twitter 服務要用到 148k server,hmmm...