在今年的 AWS re:Invent 2017 上宣佈 Amazon ECS 也支援 Kubernetes,也就是 Amazon EKS:「Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes」,一個用的人夠多就支援的概念...
目前這個服務還在 Preview,所以要申請才能用:
Amazon EKS is available in Preview. We look forward to hearing your feedback.
另外一個在 AWS re:Invent 2017 上宣佈的是 AWS Fargate,讓你連 Amazon ECS 或是 Amazon EKS 都不用管的服務,直接按照 container 的大小收費:「Introducing AWS Fargate – Run Containers without Managing Infrastructure」、「AWS Fargate: A Product Overview」。
第一個有疑慮的點是,是否會跟其他人共用相同的 host,也就是 isolation 的程度。這點在 AWS 的人在 Hacker News 上的這邊有回覆,在不同的 cluster 上不會使用同樣的底層:
NathanKP 4 days ago [-]
Fargate isolation is at the cluster level. Apps running in the same cluster may share the underlying infrastructure, apps running in different clusters won't.
另外也提到每個 cluster 都是使用者自己產生的:
NathanKP 3 days ago [-]
A customer creates a cluster on their account. You as a customer can create one or more Fargate clusters on your account to launch your containers in.
不是很正面的回覆,而且不是在官方的 forum 回的,安全性就要大家自己判斷了...
另外也有有提到與 Amazon EC2 相比,價錢當然會比較貴,但可以預期會降低 engineer 的時間成本:
NathanKP 4 days ago [-]
AWS employee here. Just want to say that we actually had a typo in the per second pricing on launch. The actual pricing is:
$0.0506 per CPU per hour
$0.0127 per GB of memory per hour
Fargate is definitely more expensive than running and operating an EC2 instance yourself, but for many companies the amount that is saved by needing to spend less engineer time on devops will make it worth it right now, and as we iterate I expect this balance to continue to tip. AWS has dropped prices more than 60 times since we started out.
目前只能接 Amazon ECS,預定 2018 可以接 Amazon EKS:
I will tell you that we plan to support launching containers on Fargate using Amazon EKS in 2018.
而目前這個版本 (可以接 Amazon ECS 的版本) 在 us-east-1
Fargate is available today in the US East (Northern Virginia) region.