MySQL 在不同種類 EBS 上的效能

Percona 的人寫了一篇關於 MySQL 跑在 AWS 上不同種類 EBS 的效能差異:「Performance of Various EBS Storage Types in AWS」,不過這篇的描述部份不是很專業,重點是直接看測試資料建立自己的理解。

他的方法是在 AWS 上建立了相同參數的 gp2gp3io1io2 空間,都是 1TB 與 3000 IOPS,但他提到這應該會一樣:

So, all the volumes are 1TB with 3000 iops, so in theory, they are the same.

但這在「Amazon EBS volume types」文件上其實都有提過了,先不管 durability 的部份,光是與效能有關的規格就不一樣了。

在 gp2 的部份直接有提到只有保證 99% 的時間可以達到宣稱的效能:

AWS designs gp2 volumes to deliver their provisioned performance 99% of the time.

而 gp3 則是只用行銷宣稱「consistent baseline rate」,連 99% 都不保證:

These volumes deliver a consistent baseline rate of 3,000 IOPS and 125 MiB/s, included with the price of storage.

io* 的部份則是保證 99.9%:

Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes use a consistent IOPS rate, which you specify when you create the volume, and Amazon EBS delivers the provisioned performance 99.9 percent of the time.

另外在測試中 gp2gp3 的 throughput 看起來也沒調整成一樣的數字。在 1TB 的 gp2 中會給 250MB/sec 的速度,1TB 的 gp3 則是給 125MB/sec,除非你有加買 throughput。

另外從這句也可以看出來他對 AWS 不熟:

The tests were only run in a single availability zone (eu-west-1a).

在「AZ IDs for your AWS resources」這邊有提過不同帳號之間,同樣代碼的 AZ 不一定是一樣的區域,需要看 AZ ID:

For example, the Availability Zone us-east-1a for your AWS account might not have the same location as us-east-1a for another AWS account.

To identify the location of your resources relative to your accounts, you must use the AZ ID, which is a unique and consistent identifier for an Availability Zone. For example, use1-az1 is an AZ ID for the us-east-1 Region and it is the same location in every AWS account.

在考慮到只有設定大小與 IOPS 的情況下,剩下的測試結果其實跟預期的差不多:io2 貴但是可以得到最好的效能,io1 的品質會差一些,gp3 在大多數的情況下其實很夠用,但要注意預設的 throughput 沒有 gp2 高。

Elasticsearch 的 Python 套件開始阻擋 OpenSearch 的伺服器了

Hacker News Daily 上看到的:「Official Elasticsearch Python library no longer works with open-source forks (」,連結所指向的是 GitHub 上的 pull request,在「Verify connection to Elasticsearch #1623」這邊。

講白了也就是 Elasticsearch 官方的 Python client 開始阻擋 AWS 主推的 OpenSearch

另外 AWS 這邊也出手,把本來的 client 都 fork 出來:「Keeping clients of OpenSearch and Elasticsearch compatible with open source」,這場戰爭還有得打...

AWS 宣佈 EBS io2 的新花樣 Block Express Volumes

看到「AWS Announces General Availability of Amazon EBS io2 Block Express Volumes」這篇,在 EBSio2 上面又推出了新的花樣 Block Express Volumes:

Today AWS announced general availability of io2 Block Express volumes that deliver up to 4x higher throughput, IOPS, and capacity than io2 volumes, and are designed to deliver sub-millisecond latency and 99.999% durability.

要再提供更高的效能,在 R5b 的機種下,單個 volume 可以拉到 256k IOPS 與 4000MB/sec 的傳輸速度,以及在 well-tuned 的環境下 (應該是多個 volume) 可以拉到 260k IOPS (多一點點) 與 7500MB/sec (將近原來的兩倍) 的傳輸速度:

Using R5b instances customers can now provision a single io2 volume with up to 256,000 IOPS, 4000 MB/s of throughput, and storage capacity of 64 TiB.

R5b instances are well-suited to run business-critical and storage-intensive applications as they offer the highest EBS-optimized performance of up to 260,000 IOPS and 7,500 MB/s throughput.


Amazon ECS Anywhere

在去年年底 AWS 的公佈的「re:Invent 2020 – Preannouncements for Tuesday, December 1」裡面提到兩個有趣的產品,一個是 Amazon ECS Anywhere,另外一個是 Amazon EKS Anywhere,現在 Amazon ECS Anywhere 開放了:「Getting Started with Amazon ECS Anywhere – Now Generally Available」。

這兩個服務都是把自家的機器 container 化然後讓 AWS 的服務直接管理,只是一個是 ECS (AWS 自家的規格),另外一個是 EKS (基於 Kubernetes),這次丟出來當然很重要,不過還是會等 EKS Anywhere 出來後一起比較看看。

價錢的部份就是照機器數量算,一台機器大約 USD$7.38/month,以 bare metal 等級的機器來說倒是沒什麼問題:

You pay $0.01025 per hour for each managed ECS Anywhere on-premises instance. An on-premises instance is a customer-managed instance that has been registered with an Amazon ECS cluster and runs the Amazon ECS container agent.

這樣讓地端的機器更容易上雲,不過離台灣本地沒有 region 在網路的 latency 上就有點討厭了,另外一種搞法是找 dedicated hosting 或是自己塞機器進 colocation hosting,然後掛上這類服務?

AWS 跳出來決定繼續搞 Elasticsearch 了

先前提到「Elasticsearch 與 Kibana 也變成非 Open Source 軟體」,後來 Elastic 的 CEO (創辦人) 發了一篇「Amazon: NOT OK - why we had to change Elastic licensing」直接批評 AWS

接下來是 AWS 跳出來放話了,基本上也是個新聞稿:「Stepping up for a truly open source Elasticsearch」,大概就是會繼續維護自己的版本,維持本來的 Apache License, Version 2.0,然後批評 Elastic 所說的話不實之類的...


gp3 (Amazon EBS) 的 latency

昨天把手上所有的 Amazon EBSgp2 換到 gp3 了:「Amazon EBS 的 gp3 可以用在開機磁碟了」,今天早上來看一下狀態,整體看起來是還 OK,不過有些地方值得注意的,像是標題寫到的 latency。

我抓了跑 GitLab 的機器來看,可以很明顯看到讀寫的 latency 都變高了:

AWS 又有提到這些數字資料有經過轉換,看起來是 gp2gp3 的數字意義本來就不一樣,所以他必須想辦法轉換,所以也有可能是因為這個轉換導致的?

This graph has had transformations applied to it and will differ from what is natively found in CloudWatch. Due to this some functionality is reduced.


AWS 推出 Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public (公開版的 ECR)

算是延伸產品線,把 Amazon ECR 變成可以公開使用:「Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public: A New Public Container Registry」。

這篇稍微有趣的地方是,文章裡面的上面這張圖有把 path 模糊化,但下面那張沒有遮,後面的文字也直接有提到 path (這是要給使用者玩的...):

ECR Public 會自動同步到兩個 region,但設定的頁面上好像沒寫會怎麼挑... 另外前面會放 CloudFront 加速。

ECR Public automatically replicates container images across two AWS Regions to reduce download times and improve availability. Therefore, using public images directly from ECR Public may simplify your build process if you were previously creating and managing local copies. ECR Public caches image layers in Amazon CloudFront, to improve pull performance for a global audience, especially for popular images.


Amazon EBS 的 io2 給了不少新消息...

Amazon EBS 的另外一個新推出的東西,是針對 io2 的改善:

前面兩則消息可以一起看,主要是推出了 EBS Block Express,有著效能上的提昇:

Built on our new EBS Block Express architecture that takes advantage of some advanced communication protocols implemented as part of the AWS Nitro System, the volumes will give you up to 256K IOPS & 4000 MBps of throughput and a maximum volume size of 64 TiB, all with sub-millisecond, low-variance I/O latency. Throughput scales proportionally at 0.256 MB/second per provisioned IOPS, up to a maximum of 4000 MBps per volume. You can provision 1000 IOPS per GiB of storage, twice as many as before. The increased volume size & higher throughput means that you will no longer need to stripe multiple EBS volumes together, reducing complexity and management overhead.

目前因為是 preview 階段,想要用的人需要申請測試。要注意目前支援的區域有限 (不像這次推出 gp3 的時候就是全區),而且需要搭配 r5b 的機器:

The preview is currently available in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Europe (Frankfurt) Regions. During the preview, we support the use of R5b instances, with support for other Nitro-powered instances in the works.

第三則消息則是在講 io2 的 IOPS 的折扣,針對購買 32K IOPS 以上的部份會有 30% 折扣:

Now, with the new tiered pricing structure, the first 32,000 IOPS provisioned on a volume are charged at the current base rate ($0.065 per provisioned IOPS-mo) and the second tier between 32,001 and 64,000 is charged at a 30% lower rate ($0.046 per provisioned IOPS-mo).

針對前面提到的 preview 版本 (EBS Block Express),因為可以超過 64K IOPS,這個部份的價錢會更低,再疊一次 30% 的折扣:

Furthermore, for customers who have even higher performance requirement than currently supported by a single io2 volume today, we are previewing io2 volumes that run on EBS Block Express, the next generation of our block storage architecture. io2 Block Express volumes can be provisioned to deliver peak IOPS of 256,000. For these volume, any IOPS provisioned over 64,000 IOPS will be charged at a further 30% lower rate than the second tier ($0.032 per provisioned IOP-mo for IOPS over 64,000). This lowers the effective rate to $0.038 per provisioned IOPS on a volume provisioned with 256,000 IOPS.

算是要衝效能的人用的,目前平常應該還是會用 gp2 或是 gp3 的 SSD...

Amazon EBS 推出了 gp3

今年的 AWS re:Invent 又開始了,不過因為疫情的關係,這次是線上為主... 這邊先來整理一下 Amazon EBS 相關的更新。

首先是推出了新的 gp3 類型,也是 SSD 類:「New – Amazon EBS gp3 Volume Lets You Provision Performance Apart From Capacity」。

每 GB 單位成本比 gp2 低 20%:

Today I would like to tell you about gp3, a new type of SSD EBS volume that lets you provision performance independent of storage capacity, and offers a 20% lower price than existing gp2 volume types.

然後直接給你 3000 IOPS 與 125MB/sec,有需要更高的話可以「加購」:

gp3 is designed to provide predictable 3,000 IOPS baseline performance and 125 MiB/s regardless of volume size. It is ideal for applications that require high performance at a low cost such as MySQL, Cassandra, virtual desktops and Hadoop analytics. Customers looking for higher performance can scale up to 16,000 IOPS and 1,000 MiB/s for an additional fee. The top performance of gp3 is 4 times faster than max throughput of gp2 volumes.

但照「Amazon EBS volume types」這邊的列表可以看到,要注意 gp2 可以 burst 的 throughput (250MB/sec) 比 gp3 的 baseline (125MB/sec) 高。

也因為這樣,可以把一些 random access 比較多的 /data 這類的 EBS 換過去,但如果是要大量 sequential access 的也許就不適合了。

IOPS 的部份,1TB 以下的 gp2 換過去應該是沒什麼太大問題,因為在 gp2 的時候是 1GB 給 3IOPS,所以 1TB 以下的 gp2 都低於 3000IOPS。

轉移的部份可以在 AWS 的 console 上直接 migrate 到 gp3

If you’re currently using gp2, you can easily migrate your EBS volumes to gp3 using Amazon EBS Elastic Volumes, an existing feature of Amazon EBS. Elastic Volumes allows you to modify the volume type, IOPS, and throughput of your existing EBS volumes without interrupting your Amazon EC2 instances.


但照「Amazon EBS volume types」這邊的列表,gp3 可以是開機硬碟,但是改不過去啊 XDDD


不知道哪邊搞錯了,過幾天看看吧 XDDD

Amazon EBS 的 Cold HDD (sc1) 降價 40%

剛剛看到 Amazon EBS 的 Cold HDD (sc1) 大幅降價 40%:「AWS announces 40% price reduction for Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) Cold HDD (sc1) volumes」。

Cold HDD (sc1) 主要是拿來堆資料的,直接掛上來操作比起 Amazon S3 還是方便不少,這次的降價算是懶人的福音?

現在的「Amazon EBS pricing」頁面已經更新了,想要比較的話可以從 上面的「Amazon EBS pricing」對比。價錢的部份從十一月九號自動生效:

Amazon EBS customers automatically benefit from this new lower price, which is effective starting November 9th, 2020.