有訂 RSS feed 但應該是漏看了,後來在 X (Twitter) 上看到 qrtt1 轉貼 ingramchen 的貼文才注意到的,AWS 宣布 EKS 支援期從本來的 14 個月 (跟 k8s 官方相同) 變成 26 個月 (多了一年):
鄉親吶!這就是 #長照 啊!只要 72 米。便宜辣!#AWS #EKS #K8S https://t.co/oQBejt5Viq
— qrtt1 (@qrtt1) November 7, 2023
公告在「Amazon EKS Extended support for Kubernetes Versions now available in preview」以及「Amazon EKS extended support for Kubernetes versions available in preview」這邊。
這邊查了資料發現有點複雜,KEP-2572: Defining the Kubernetes Release Cadence 這邊有正式的說明,但「Kubernetes | endoflife.date」這邊比較清楚 14 個月是怎麼來的:
Kubernetes follows an N-2 support policy (meaning that the 3 most recent minor versions receive security and bug fixes) along with a 15-week release cycle. This results in a release being supported for 14 months (12 months of support and 2 months of upgrade period).
雖然是付費功能,但目前這個功能是 preview,代表不受到 SLA 之類的保障,應該是之後成熟了再看情況變成 GA:
Today, we’re announcing the preview of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) extended support for Kubernetes versions. You can now run Amazon EKS clusters on a Kubernetes version for up to 26 months from the time the version is generally available on Amazon EKS. Extended Support is available as a free preview for all Amazon EKS customers, starting today with Kubernetes version 1.23.