Amazon SES 總算支援 2048 bits RSA key 了

Amazon SES 總算是支援 2048 bits RSA key 了:「Amazon SES now supports 2048-bit DKIM keys」。

然後講一些幹話... 隔壁微軟早在 2019 年就支援 2048 bits RSA key 了:

Until now, Amazon SES supported a DKIM key length of 1024-bit, which is the current industry standard.

另外用 ECC 演算法的一直都沒進 standard,像是已經先 book 了 RFC 8463 位置的 Ed25519,在 draft 狀態放好久了:「A New Cryptographic Signature Method for DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)」,還有用 ECDSA 的「Defining Elliptic Curve Cryptography Algorithms for use with DKIM」也是放著,不知道是卡到什麼東西,可能是專利?

Dehydrated 取得憑證的預設演算法改成 secp384r1

這兩天弄 dehydrated,結果發現 v0.7.0 取得憑證的預設演算法改成 ECCsecp384r1 了:

Using EC secp384r1 as default certificate type

這會導致很多「稍微舊一點」的 client 失效 (瀏覽器與 library),不知道為什麼要預設... 目前避開的方法是強制在 /etc/dehydrated/config 內設定使用 rsa


剛剛把公司一堆機器改上去,然後把自己的 server 也加一加...

GCP 推出 Cloud HSM (beta)

這算是 Google Cloud Platform 在補產品線,讓那些有強制使用 HSM 的需求的應用 (通常是遇到一定要 FIPS 140-2 的規範) 可以搬上雲端:「Introducing Cloud HSM beta for hardware crypto key security」。

從圖片上可以看到 LiquidSecurity,應該是「LiquidSecurity® General Purpose HSM Adapters and Appliances」這個產品:

如同 AWSCloudHSM 服務,GCP 的 Cloud HSM 也是提供 FIPS 140-2 Level 3:

Cloud HSM allows you to host encryption keys and perform cryptographic operations in FIPS 140-2 Level 3 certified HSMs (shown below).

演算法上,支援 AESRSAECC (NIST 的 P-256 與 P-384):

In addition to symmetric key encryption using AES-256 keys, you can now create various types of asymmetric keys for decryption or signing operations, which means that you can now store your keys used for PKI or code signing in a Google Cloud managed keystore. Specifically, RSA 2048, RSA 3072, RSA 4096, EC P256, and EC P384 keys will be available for signing operations, while RSA 2048, RSA 3072, and RSA 4096 keys will also have the ability to decrypt blocks of data.

目前只支援 us-east1us-west1,另外價錢也比軟體服務版本的 Cloud KMS 貴不少:

Billable item For keys with protection level SOFTWARE For keys with protection level HSM
Active AES-256 and RSA 2048 key versions $0.06 per month $1.00 per month
Active RSA 3072, RSA 4096 or Elliptic Curve key versions $0.06 per month $2.50 per month for the first 2,000
$1.00 per month thereafter
Destroyed key versions Free Free
Key operations: Cryptographic $0.03 per 10,000 operations $0.03 per 10,000 operations for AES-256 and RSA 2048 keys
$0.15 per 10,000 operations for RSA 3072, RSA 4096, and Elliptic Curve keys
Key operations: Admin Free Free

不過一般情況應該不會得用 CloudHSM,先有個印象就好...

下一代的 Tor Hidden Service

Tor 公佈了下一代的 Hidden Service (Onion Service):「Tor's Fall Harvest: the Next Generation of Onion Services」。

三年前 Facebook 自己暴力算出 facebookcorewwwi.onion 這個很特別的名字 (參考「Facebook 證明 Tor 的 Hidden Service 不安全」),這陣子連紐約時報也能暴力算出 nytimes3xbfgragh.onion 這個好名字 (參考「紐約時報網站上 Tor 的 Hidden Service (i.e. Tor Onion Service)」,這讓只有 16 chars 的 hostname 的 hashed-space 不夠大的問題愈來愈明顯 (只有 80 bits 的空間)。

如果你也想要找出一個有趣的 hostname 的話,可以用 lachesis/scallion 這樣的工具,這程式用 CPU 產生出 RSA key 後,再用 GPU 算 SHA-1

The inital RSA key generation is done the CPU. An ivybridge i7 can generate 51 keys per second using a single core. Each key can provide 1 gigahash worth of exponents to mine and a decent CPU can keep up with several GPUs as it is currently implemented.

也因為如此,Facebook 與紐約時報在上線時並不是直接在 Hidden Service 上裸奔,而是上了 HTTPS 作為 workaround,以避免資料外洩。

但這畢竟是 workaround,Tor 的人還是希望協定本身就可以提供一個夠安全的架構,而花了四年多發展出下一代的 Hidden Service,也就是這次提到的成果了。

最大的改變就是 hostname 變長很多了,從本來的 16 chars 變成 56 chars:

And finally from the casuals user's PoV, the only thing that changes is that new onions are bigger, tastier and they now look like this: 7fa6xlti5joarlmkuhjaifa47ukgcwz6tfndgax45ocyn4rixm632jid.onion.

hostname 變長主要是因為把整個 256 bits public key 放進去,可以從 spec 看到:

6. Encoding onion addresses [ONIONADDRESS]

   The onion address of a hidden service includes its identity public key, a
   version field and a basic checksum. All this information is then base32
   encoded as shown below:

     onion_address = base32(PUBKEY | CHECKSUM | VERSION) + ".onion"
     CHECKSUM = H(".onion checksum" | PUBKEY | VERSION)[:2]

       - PUBKEY is the 32 bytes ed25519 master pubkey of the hidden service.
       - VERSION is an one byte version field (default value '\x03')
       - ".onion checksum" is a constant string
       - CHECKSUM is truncated to two bytes before inserting it in onion_address

  Here are a few example addresses:


   For more information about this encoding, please see our discussion thread

這是因為在 ECC 的安全性被廣泛認可後,ECC 的優點就被拿出來用在這次設計上了:

  • 256 bits 的 ECC key 強度大約是 3072 bits RSA key (以現在最好的攻擊演算法來估算)。
  • 直接放 public key 不需要經過 hash function 計算,可以避免掉 hash function 被找到 collision 時的風險。

於是因為 hostname 放的下,就硬塞進去了 XDDD

不過如果要玩的人需要裝 alpha 版本,目前的 stable 版本還沒有這個功能:

Tor as of version supports the next-gen onion services protocol for clients and services! As part of this release, ​the core of proposal 224 has been implemented and is available for experimentation and testing by our users.


Bruce Schneier 的 blog 上看到這篇推薦文章,介紹橢圓曲線密碼學的基礎:「Elliptic Curve Crypto Primer」。被推薦的文章是「A (relatively easy to understand) primer on elliptic curve cryptography」這篇。


建議要再研究的人還是看看 1985 年的「Elliptic curve cryptosystems」,只有七頁,這篇就是 ECC 的起源。