AWS Global Accelerator 支援 IPv6

AWSAnycast 服務 AWS Global Accelerator 宣佈支援 IPv6:「New for AWS Global Accelerator – Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Support」。

算是補功能,不過這個功能只對於「純 IPv6 環境」的使用者端有用 (沒有 DNS64 + NAT64 的轉換),目前商轉給一般使用者用的 IPv6 環境應該都還是有掛 DNS64 + NAT64 才對...

另外使用這個功能會需要 VPC 有 IPv6 能力:

To test this new feature, I need a dual-stack application with an ALB entry point. The application must be deployed in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) and support IPv6 traffic.

然後 IPv4 會進到 IPv4 的服務裡,IPv6 則會進到 IPv6 的服務裡:

Protocol translation is not supported, neither IPv4 to IPv6 nor IPv6 to IPv4. For example, Global Accelerator will not allow me to configure a dual-stack accelerator with an IPv4-only ALB endpoint. Also, for IPv6 ALB endpoints, client IP preservation must be enabled.


Route 53 支援 DNS64,以及 NAT Gateway 支援 NAT64

AWS 宣佈了一套機制,讓 IPv6-only 的機器可以連到 IPv4-only 的服務:「Let Your IPv6-only Workloads Connect to IPv4 Services」。

首先是 DNS64,針對只有 IPv4-only 的 A record 自動加上 AAAA record (如果已經有 AAAA record 的則不變),這邊提到的 64:ff9b::/96 是來自 DNS64 標準內的規範:

The DNS resolver first checks if the record contains an IPv6 address (AAAA record). If it does, the IPv6 address is returned. The IPv6 host can connect to the service using just IPv6. When the record only contains an IPv4 address, the Route 53 resolver synthesizes an IPv6 address by prepending the well-known 64:ff9b::/96 prefix to the IPv4 address.

再來就是 NAT Gateway 可以把 64:ff9b::/96 透過 NAT64 轉到 IPv4 network 上:

You may configure subnet routing to send all packets starting with 64:ff9b::/96 to the NAT gateway. The NAT gateway recognizes the IPv6 address prefix, extracts the IPv4 address from it, and initiates an IPv4 connection to the destination. As usual, the source IPv4 address is the IPv4 address of the NAT gateway itself.

由於有些 protocol 會帶 IP address 資訊,所以不能保證 NAT64 一定會動,但大多數的情況應該是可以解決,至少提供了 IPv6-only server 連到 IPv4-only network 上的方法...

PChome 24h 連線會慢的原因... (續篇)

上一篇「PChome 24h 連線會慢的原因...」寫到 DNS resolver 會倒在路邊,但沒寫會怎麼倒... 因為規格書上沒有寫當問不到要問的東西時要怎麼處理,所以每一家處理的方式都不太一樣。

我把對各 DNS resolver 查詢 100 次的結果放在 GitHub Gist 上:「Query」,大家都是回 SERVFAIL,只是時間不一樣 (最後一個 x.xxxx total 的部份表示實際秒數,wall clock)。

先看這次的主角好了,HiNet168.95.1.1168.95.192.1,同時也應該是 PChome 24h 服務使用人數最多的 DNS resolver。

這兩個 DNS resolver 在遇到問題時不會馬上回 SERVFAIL,加上業界有小道消息說中華自己改了不少 code,所以跟一般的 open source software 行為不太一樣。由於看不到 PChome 端的 DNS packet,所以只能就行為來猜... 應該是在第一輪都查不到後,會先 random sleep 一段時間,然後再去問一次,如果第二次還是失敗的話才回應 SERVFAIL

這個 random sleep 看起來可能是 10 秒,因為數據上看起來最長的時間就是這個了。

SEEDNet 的 以及 Google8.8.8.8 都沒這個問題,都會馬上回應 SERVFAIL

前陣子新出的 (參考「新的 DNS Resolver:」) 則是有些特別的狀況,可以看到前面有三個 query 很慢 (第 2、3、5 三行),但後面的速度就正常了。可能是新加坡那邊有三台伺服器在服務 (目前我這邊測試的機器到 會到新加坡),在第一次遇到都沒有答案時會有特殊的演算法先確認,之後就會 cache 住?

所以各家 DNS resolver 反應都不太一樣,然後最大那家有問題 XD 慢一次, 再慢一次,圖片的 再慢一次,一個頁面上多來幾個 domain 就會讓人受不了了 XD

其實我只要改成 或是改走 就可以解決啦,但還是寫下來吧 (抓頭)。

Happy Eyeballs (RFC 6555)

在「PChome 24h 連線會慢的原因...」這篇的 comment 有讀者提到了 Happy Eyeballs 應該可以解決這個問題:

除了可以在維基百科上面看到外,比較正式的說明可以參考 RFC 6555:「Happy Eyeballs: Success with Dual-Stack Hosts」,其中在「6. Example Algorithm」就有提到 Google ChromeMozilla Firefox 怎麼實做 Happy Eyeballs:

What follows is the algorithm implemented in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

  1. Call getaddinfo(), which returns a list of IP addresses sorted by the host's address preference policy.
  2. Initiate a connection attempt with the first address in that list (e.g., IPv6).
  3. If that connection does not complete within a short period of time (Firefox and Chrome use 300 ms), initiate a connection attempt with the first address belonging to the other address family (e.g., IPv4).
  4. The first connection that is established is used. The other connection is discarded.

If an algorithm were to cache connection success/failure, the caching would occur after step 4 determined which connection was successful.

Other example algorithms include [Perreault] and [Andrews].

可以看到 Happy Eyeballs 的演算法是要避免 IPv6 network 不通的情況卡住很慢 (如果在 300ms 內連線沒有建起來,就會儘快往另外一個 address family 嘗試),而不是在 DNS 層避免問題 (也就是 getaddinfo() 觸發的 DNS query)。

這次的情況是 DNS query 很慢,就會導致還是一開始就很慢,Happy Eyeballs 沒辦法解決這個問題。

不過話說回來,我是有印象知道有這個演算法,但不知道有「Happy Eyeballs」這個這麼逗趣的名字... (掩面)

關於 Juniper ScreenOS 防火牆被放後門的研究

一樣是從 Bruce Schneier 那邊看到的:「Details about Juniper's Firewall Backdoor」,原始的研究連結在「Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2016/376」這邊。

ScreenOS 被放了兩個後門,一個是 SSH 的後門:

Reverse engineering of ScreenOS binaries revealed that the first of these vulnerabilities was a conventional back door in the SSH password checker.

另外一個是「Dual EC 的 Q 值」被放了後門,而「NIST 所制定的 Dual EC 的 Q 值」本身就是個後門,所以有人把這個後門又給換掉了:

The second is far more intriguing: a change to the Q parameter used by the Dual EC pseudorandom number generator. It is widely known that Dual EC has the unfortunate property that an attacker with the ability to choose Q can, from a small sample of the generator's output, predict all future outputs. In a 2013 public statement, Juniper noted the use of Dual EC but claimed that ScreenOS included countermeasures that neutralized this form of attack.

第二個後門更發現嚴重的問題,Juniper 所宣稱的反制措施根本沒被執行到:

In this work, we report the results of a thorough independent analysis of the ScreenOS randomness subsystem, as well as its interaction with the IKE VPN key establishment protocol. Due to apparent flaws in the code, Juniper's countermeasures against a Dual EC attack are never executed.

也因此團隊確認選定 Q 值的人可以輕易的成功攻擊 IPSec 流量:

Moreover, by comparing sequential versions of ScreenOS, we identify a cluster of additional changes that were introduced concurrently with the inclusion of Dual EC in a single 2008 release. Taken as a whole, these changes render the ScreenOS system vulnerable to passive exploitation by an attacker who selects Q. We demonstrate this by installing our own parameters, and showing that it is possible to passively decrypt a single IKE handshake and its associated VPN traffic in isolation without observing any other network traffic.

RAID 卡的電池維護

實際的世界都是由 workaround 疊 workaround 解決問題的...

MySQL 資料庫一般都用 RAID 10,利用 RAID 1 的特性保護資料,並且利用 RAID 0 的特性提昇 IOPS 能力。

而這些 RAID 卡通常都會提供 cache,預設應該都會開 read cache,可以大幅增加 random read 的速度。而另外也可以打開 write cache (也就是 write-back),寫入時先寫到 cache 裡,RAID 卡馬上就會跟作業系統回報完成,藉以加速 random write 的速度。

但這樣就會有風險,當資料還沒寫入硬碟就斷電時就會遺失資料。所以在設定 write-back 的 RAID 卡上安裝電池就變成解法之一。

而電池會有壽命問題,所以配電池的 RAID 卡會每隔一陣子就放電測試電池可以撐多久,但在放電測試時,如果斷電就有可能造成資料遺失,於是又冒出很多方法解決。

也就是在「Learning to Deal With Learning」這篇提到 RAID 卡電池維護的事情。

每一層都是 workaround 想辦法解決問題,然後再用 workaround 解決前面造成的問題...


  • 雙電池架構,很明顯的可以一次只測一顆。
  • 改用 NVRAM,就不需要電池了,不過速度以及成本會是另外一個問題。


  • 放電測試時將 write cache 關閉,切回 write-through。這點在原文裡也有提到,效能其實會受到蠻大的影響。
  • 不放電測試了,但這樣的缺點就是拿安全性交換,當斷電時不知道能不撐過去。
  • 或是自己控制放電測試的時間,這可以配合上面切回 write-through 的方式,挑負載比較輕的離峰時間做。


NSA 付錢給 RSA 放後門的事件...

Edward Snowden 再次丟出 NSA 內部文件,表示 NSA 付錢給 RSA 在演算法裡面放後門:「Exclusive: Secret contract tied NSA and security industry pioneer」。

RSA 的回應則是完全不想提到這筆錢是做什麼用的:「RSA Response to Media Claims Regarding NSA Relationship」。

現在一般在猜測,這個後門應該就是 RSA BSAFE 的預設偽隨機數產生器 Dual_EC_DRBG

對於 Dual_EC_DRBG 的攻擊,2006 年的「Cryptanalysis of the Dual Elliptic Curve Pseudorandom Generator」就這樣寫:

Our experimental results and also empirical argument show that the DEC PRG is insecure. The attack does not imply solving the ECDLP for the corresponding elliptic curve. The attack is very efficient.

在 2007 年,Bruce Schneier 寫了一篇「Did NSA Put a Secret Backdoor in New Encryption Standard?」,提到這個弱點並沒有大到使得這個演算法不堪用,但看了總是不爽:

Problems with Dual_EC_DRBG were first described in early 2006. The math is complicated, but the general point is that the random numbers it produces have a small bias. The problem isn't large enough to make the algorithm unusable -- and Appendix E of the NIST standard describes an optional work-around to avoid the issue -- but it's cause for concern. Cryptographers are a conservative bunch: We don't like to use algorithms that have even a whiff of a problem.

並且建議不要用 Dual_EC_DRBG:

My recommendation, if you're in need of a random-number generator, is not to use Dual_EC_DRBG under any circumstances. If you have to use something in SP 800-90, use CTR_DRBG or Hash_DRBG.

現在回頭看這件事情... hmmm...