The currently recommended certificate chain as presented to Let’s Encrypt ACME clients when new certificates are issued contains an intermediate certificate (ISRG Root X1) that is signed by an old DST Root CA X3 certificate that expires on 2021-09-30.
Unfortunately this does not apply to OpenSSL 1.0.2 which always prefers the untrusted chain and if that chain contains a path that leads to an expired trusted root certificate (DST Root CA X3), it will be selected for the certificate verification and the expiration will be reported.
主要的改變是 2019/07/08 之後提供的 intermediate CA 會改變,從現在的 cross-sign 變成只有自己的 Root CA:
On July 8, 2019, we will change the default intermediate certificate we provide via ACME. Most subscribers don’t need to do anything. Subscribers who support very old TLS/SSL clients may want to manually configure the older intermediate to increase backwards compatibility.
Our current cross-signature from IdenTrust expires on March 17, 2021. The IdenTrust root that we are cross-signed from expires on September 30, 2021. Within the next year we will obtain a new cross-signature that is valid until September 29, 2021. This means that our subscribers will have the option to manually configure a certificate chain that uses IdenTrust until September 29, 2021.