用 ESP8266 模擬 PC-XT...

看到拿 ESP8266 模擬 PC-XT,是個懷古時間:「IBM PC-XT Emulator on an ESP8266」。

現在小板子的 CPU 跟記憶體都比三十年前的桌機還要大了,直接在上面跑模擬器就算慢一點也已經不是問題了... 直接上麵包板接起來跑:

然後也可以跑 Windows 3.0:

純粹 hacking 的專案 XD

Cloudflare 推出 Spectrum:65535 個 TCP Port 都可以轉的 Proxy...

Cloudflare 推出了 Spectrum,文章標題提到的 65533 應該是指 80 & 443 以外其他的 port:「Introducing Spectrum: Extending Cloudflare To 65,533 More Ports」。

然後因為 TCP proxy 不像 HTTP proxy 與 WebSocket proxy 可以靠 Host header 資訊判斷,在 TCP proxy 需要獨占 IP address 使用 (i.e. 一個 IP address 只能給一個客戶用),而因為 IPv4 address 不夠的關係,這個功能只開放給 Enterprise 客戶用:

Today we are introducing Spectrum, which brings Cloudflare’s security and acceleration to the whole spectrum of TCP ports and protocols for our Enterprise customers.

雖然現在限定在 Enterprise 客戶,但 Cloudflare 還是希望看看有沒有其他想法,目前提出來的選項包括了開放 IPv6 address 給所有人用,或是變成獨立付費項目:

Why just Enterprise? While HTTP can use the Host header to identify services, TCP relies on each service having a unique IP address in order to identify it. Since IPv4 addresses are endangered, it’s quite expensive for us to delegate an IP per application and we needed to limit use. We’re actively thinking about ways to bring Spectrum to everyone. One idea is to offer IPv6-only Spectrum to non-Enterprise customers. Another idea is let anyone use Spectrum but pay for the IPv4 address. We’re not sure yet, but if you prefer one to the other, feel free to comment and let us know.

類似的產品應該是 clean pipe 類的服務,但一般 clean pipe 是透過 routing 重導清洗流量,而非像 Cloudflare 這樣設計... 不知道後續會有什麼樣的變化。

GitHub 在 2/28 遭受的攻擊...

GitHub 在 2/28 遭受 DDoS 攻擊,蠻快就把事故報告丟出來了:「February 28th DDoS Incident Report」。

不過跟 GitHub 其他文章不太一樣,這篇算是 PR 稿吧,簡單來說就是花錢買 Akamai Prolexic 的過濾服務解決... Akamai 方的 PR 稿則是在「Memcached-fueled 1.3 Tbps attacks - The Akamai Blog」這邊可以看到。

17:21 UTC 發現問題,然後判斷超過 100Gbps,所以 17:26 決定讓 Akamai Prolexic 接管過濾:

At 17:21 UTC our network monitoring system detected an anomaly in the ratio of ingress to egress traffic and notified the on-call engineer and others in our chat system. This graph shows inbound versus outbound throughput over transit links:

Given the increase in inbound transit bandwidth to over 100Gbps in one of our facilities, the decision was made to move traffic to Akamai, who could help provide additional edge network capacity. At 17:26 UTC the command was initiated via our ChatOps tooling to withdraw BGP announcements over transit providers and announce AS36459 exclusively over our links to Akamai. Routes reconverged in the next few minutes and access control lists mitigated the attack at their border. Monitoring of transit bandwidth levels and load balancer response codes indicated a full recovery at 17:30 UTC. At 17:34 UTC routes to internet exchanges were withdrawn as a follow-up to shift an additional 40Gbps away from our edge.

就這樣而已,完全就是 PR 稿 XDDD

Node.js 安全性更新:zlib...

前幾天「Node.js 預定在十月 24 號發表安全性更新」提到 Node.js 會發表安全性更新,已經看到 4/6/8 都出新版了:「Node v4.8.5 (Maintenance)」、「Node v6.11.5 (LTS)」、「Node v8.8.0 (Current)」。

這次安全更新的 CVECVE-2017-14919

CVE-2017-14919 - In zlib v1.2.9, a change was made that causes an error to be raised when a raw deflate stream is initialized with windowBits set to 8. On some versions this crashes Node and you cannot recover from it, while on some versions it throws an exception. Node.js will now gracefully set windowBits to 9 replicating the legacy behavior to avoid a DOS vector. nodejs-private/node-private#95

zlib 的 manualwindowBits 說明:

For the current implementation of deflate(), a windowBits value of 8 (a window size of 256 bytes) is not supported. As a result, a request for 8 will result in 9 (a 512-byte window). In that case, providing 8 to inflateInit2() will result in an error when the zlib header with 9 is checked against the initialization of inflate(). The remedy is to not use 8 with deflateInit2() with this initialization, or at least in that case use 9 with inflateInit2().


另外文章可以看出來 Node.js 團隊是選擇在 GitHub 上用另外一個 organization 在管這類不會事前公開的事情...

Node.js 預定在十月 24 號發表安全性更新

在「DOS security vulnerability, October 2017」這邊先發佈了日期與影響範圍,細節預定在 10/24 發表:

The Node.js project will be releasing new versions of 4.x, 6.x, and 8.x the week of the 24th of October to incorporate a security fix.

Versions 4.8.2 and later of Node.js are vulnerable.
Versions 6.10.2 and later of Node.js are vulnerable.
Versions 8.x of Node.js are vulnerable.

有心人應該可以去翻 4.8.2 改了什麼 (或是 6.10.2),不知道是不是跟前陣子的「V8 對 Hash Flooding 的防禦措施」有關...

V8 對 Hash Flooding 的防禦措施

Hash Flooding 問題是指 Hash 這個資料結構是可以被預測 collision 所造成的問題,在隨機的情況下會是 O(1) 的操作,在特定挑選故意讓他 collision 而變成 O(n),當有 n 個元素時,乘起來就會變成 O(n^2)。這算是一種阻斷攻擊 (DoS attack)。

在「About that hash flooding vulnerability in Node.js...」這邊提到了 V8 之前為了避免 Hash Flooding 的問題,關掉了 Startup snapshot 而造成的效能問題,以及後續的很多故事,最後找了長期的解法。

這個解法已經併入 Node.js 裡,預定下個包括的版本是 8.3.0:

The patch to re-enable startup snapshot has been merged into Node.js. It is part of the recent Node.js v8.3.0 release.

不過這表示現有的 LTS (4.8.4 以及 6.11.2) 還是... XD

Akamai 阻擋 DDoS 能力的上限

這應該是最近在看 DDoS 事件中比較重要的新聞了,從這次的事件知道 Akamai 沒有能力擋下某種 620Gbps 以上的 DDoS 攻擊,而這是攻擊者已經有能力「示範」出來的量:「Akamai kicked journalist Brian Krebs' site off its servers after he was hit by a 'record' cyberattack」。

The assault has flooded Krebs' site with more than 620 gigabits per second of traffic — nearly double what Akamai has seen in the past.

然後現在 Krebs on Security 的整個站台都轉移到 GoogleProject Shield 計畫上了,接下來就是時間的考驗了:「The Democratization of Censorship」。

iOS 8 的 DoS 攻擊:強制無限重開機

Twitter 上看到別人 retweet 的新聞:

RSA Conference 發表的 0-day exploit:「iOS 8 Vulnerability Lets Hackers Crash Any iPhone and iPad Within Wi-Fi Range」。

Adi Sharabani and Yair Amit of Mobile security firm Skycure presented their latest research, titled "No iOS Zone", at the RSA security conference in San Francisco on Tuesday.


起因自 iOS 對惡意 SSL certificate 的處理會造成重開機:

All an attacker need to do is create a malicious wireless network that uses the Wi-Fi connection in order to manipulate SSL certificates sent to iOS handsets.


Another best measure is to simply avoid the free wireless networks you find in the street providing public Internet access.

BPF (Berkeley Packet Filter)

看到 CloudFlare 的「BPF - the forgotten bytecode」在文章裡提到 BPF (Berkeley Packet Filter),發現從大學畢業後就沒再看過... (然後也沒什麼印象了)

tcpdump 可以把 expression 轉成 BPF bytecode,再丟進 kernel 執行,拿 CloudFlare 文章裡的例子在自己電腦上跑:

gslin@GSLIN-DESKTOP [~] [07:27/W4] sudo tcpdump -p -ni eth1 -d "ip and udp"
(000) ldh      [12]
(001) jeq      #0x800           jt 2    jf 5
(002) ldb      [23]
(003) jeq      #0x11            jt 4    jf 5
(004) ret      #65535
(005) ret      #0

而對於複雜的過濾邏輯而需要拼效能時,可能會需要手動寫 bytecode (像是優先先判斷某些比較容易過濾的欄位,藉以降低判斷的量),可以透過 SOCK_RAWSO_ATTACH_FILTER 直接寫 bytecode 給 kernel 執行。

雖然文章內沒有明講,不過看起來 CloudFlare 有這樣做,尤其後面又有提到:

These kind of rules are very useful, they allow us to pinpoint the malicious traffic and drop it early. Just in the last couple of weeks we dropped 870,213,889,941 packets with few BPF rules. Recently during a flood we saw 41 billion packets dropped throughout a night due to a single well placed rule.


利用 Facebook Notes 對圖片 cache 的特性發動 DDoS 攻擊

在「Using Facebook Notes to DDoS any website」這篇文章裡提到了利用 Facebook Notes 允許使用者嵌入 <img> 標籤時的特性,利用 Facebook 的 server 進行 DDoS...

在 Notes 一般的 <img> 會被 Facebook 的伺服器 cache 起來,但如果是帶有 query string 的 <img> 就不會 cache (因為不同的 query string 表示不同的 url 是合理的),於是就可以利用這個特性打出超高的流量:

這個問題被 Facebook 認為不是問題,不會也不打算修正...

文章後提到的指令還蠻有趣的,要抓出某個 AS number 有哪些 IP address,可以用這樣的指令抓出來:

whois -h whois.radb.net — '-i origin AS32934' | grep ^route

試著抓了 AS9916 與 AS18185,的確是蠻有趣的東西 XD