youtube-dl 的恢復與後續 GitHub 的處理模式

youtube-dl 被下架的事情後續又有不少進展了 (先前寫過「youtube-dl 被 RIAA 用 DMCA 打下來的事件」這篇),主要是 GitHub 恢復了 youtube-dl 的 Git Repository,然後丟出了一篇文章解釋過程,以及後續的作法:「Standing up for developers: youtube-dl is back」。


GitHub 的這篇文章是由 Abby Vollmer 發表的,從 LinkedIn 上的資料也可以看到他以前的經歷都是法律相關,現在在 GitHub 的頭銜是「Director of Platform Policy and Counsel」,而這篇的用字也可以看出來很小心。

首先 GitHub 認為下架的原因是 Section 1201:

Section 1201 dates back to the late 1990s and did not anticipate the various implications it has for software use today. As a result, Section 1201 makes it illegal to use or distribute technology (including source code) that bypasses technical measures that control access or copying of copyrighted works, even if that technology can be used in a way that would not be copyright infringement. Circumvention was the core claim in the youtube-dl takedown.

而 GitHub 後續恢復 youtube-dl 的原因是收到 EFF 代表 youtube-dl 開發者所做的 counter notice:「2020-11-16-RIAA-reversal-effletter.pdf」。

照以往這種把事情搞超大的慣例,RIAA 應該是不會有後續的動作,所以就 youtube-dl 這件事情來說應該是差不多告一段落。

GitHub 後續針對 Section 1201 提出了兩個改善措施,一個是重新設計 Section 1201 的處理方式,另外一個是 GitHub 自己投入資金,降低 developer 的負擔。

但整件事情背後的問題主要是在 DMCA 的設計,讓濫發 takedown notice 的人很難受罰,在這點沒有改善之前,同樣的劇碼應該都還是會繼續上演。

youtube-dl 被 RIAA 用 DMCA 打下來的事件

youtube-dl 的這件事情的後續影響意外的大 (引發了 Streisand effect),除了這算是 RIAA 的最新力作以外,還發生了好幾個首次出現的過程 (而且有些事情還在進行),值得花一些時間挑出幾個比較有趣的地方記錄。


RIAA 的動作不算太意外,比較特別的是這次的 takedown notice 不是常見的 DMCA 512 侵權宣告,而是宣稱 youtube-dl 故意繞過 YouTube 的「保護機制」的工具:「The RIAA’s fraudulent attack on youtube-dl is not a DMCA §512 infringement/safe-harbour, and the reality is weird」,除了本身的文件以外,大家發現在 test case 裡面試著下載 YouTube 上的版權影片也可能是個明顯的問題。

另外是 GitHub 現在的 CEO,Nat Friedman,親自跑到 youtube-dl 的 IRC 上面「討論」後續可能的作法,這點也是讓大家愣住的地方:「RIAA’s YouTube-DL Takedown Ticks Off Developers and GitHub’s CEO」。

不過最近 GitHub 又警告了使用者不要重新上傳 youtube-dl 的程式碼,這有可能會被 ban XDDD:「GitHub Warns Users Reposting YouTube-DL They Could Be Banned」,對應的修改在「add statement about reposting and tos violating content」這邊。


透過 DMCA takedown notice 非法下掉 Easylist 內的過濾條件

參考「Ad blocking is under attack」這邊,有業主 透過 DMCA takedown notice 發信要求 Easylist 移除過濾條件 (參考「」),對應的 commit 參考「M: Removed due to DMCA takedown request」) 這邊。

這件事情再次證實了 DMCA takedown notice 被濫用的情況,明明不是侵權的情況卻被拿來濫用 (因為對原提出者唯一的處罰必須過反過來提告,然後要得自己舉證因為這樣受損)。

目前看起來 EFF 願意介入,就來看看後續了。

最近最歡樂 (?) 的 DMCA Takedown...

最近最歡樂的 DMCA Takedown 消息,FoxFamily Guy (蓋酷家庭) 的劇情裡引用了一段從 YouTube 上的遊戲影片 (Double Dribble - NES - Automatic Shot),然後節目播出後 Fox 發 DMCA Takedown 下架掉這個影片:「Fox 'Stole' a Game Clip, Used it in Family Guy & DMCA'd the Original」。

Family Guy 那段片段在「Family Guy Double Dribble」這邊可以看到。

只要在沒有嚴格的懲罰機制 (懲罰「偽造版權擁有人」的行為),這種大公司侵犯小市民權利的現象只會愈來愈嚴重...

GitHub 支援 HTTP Code 451 了...

GitHub 宣佈支援 HTTP Code 451 了:「The 451 status code is now supported」。也就是 RFC 7725 的「An HTTP Status Code to Report Legal Obstacles」。

目前會把因為 DMCA takedown notice 下架的內容以 HTTP Code 451 標出:

The GitHub API will now respond with a 451 status code for resources it has been asked to take down due to a DMCA notice.

HTTP Code 451 的點子出自「華氏 451 度」這本書,表示紙的燃點。

第九巡迴上訴法院:DMCA takedown notification 必須先確認是否為合理使用 (Fair Use)

出自 EFF 的「Takedown Senders Must Consider Fair Use, Ninth Circuit Rules」這篇,案件可以參考「Lenz v. Universal Music Corp.」這篇,或是 EFF 整理的「Lenz v. Universal」這篇,由 EFF 發起訴訟控告環球侵犯合理使用權:

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed suit against Universal Music Publishing Group (UMPG) asking a federal court to protect the fair use and free speech rights of a mother who posted a short video of her toddler son dancing to a Prince song on the Internet.

起因在於 Stephanie Lenz 上傳了一段 29 秒的影片,背景有 Let's Go Crazy 這首歌的音樂,而被環球發 DMCA takedown notification 下架:

Stephanie Lenz's 29-second recording shows her son bouncing along to the Prince song "Let's Go Crazy " which is heard playing in the background. Lenz uploaded the home video to YouTube in February to share it with her family and friends.

後來 Stephanie Lenz 發出 counter notification 並且控告環球濫用 DMCA notification:

In late June 2007, Lenz sent YouTube a counter-notification, claiming fair use and requesting the video be reposted. Six weeks later, YouTube reposted the video. In July 2007, Lenz sued Universal for misrepresentation under the DMCA and sought a declaration from the court that her use of the copyrighted song was non-infringing. According to the DMCA 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(3)(A)(v), the copyright holder must consider whether use of the material was allowed by the copyright owner or the law.

而環球直接挑明不在意 fair use:

In September 2007, Prince released statements that he intended to "reclaim his art on the internet." In October 2007, Universal released a statement amounting to the fact that Prince and Universal intended to remove all user-generated content involving Prince from the internet as a matter of principle.

於是雙方就從 2007 年開始一路打官司,首先的判決是地方法院認為 DMCA takedown 必須確認侵權事實才能發,這包括了要確認 fair use:

The district court held that copyright owners must consider fair use before issuing DMCA takedown notices. Thus, the district court denied Universal's motion to dismiss Lenz's claims, and declined to dismiss Lenz's misrepresentation claim as a matter of law.

同時認為環球濫用 DMCA takedown notification:

The district court believed that Universal's concerns over the burden of considering fair use were overstated, as mere good faith consideration of fair use, not necessarily an in-depth investigation, is sufficient defense against misrepresentation. The court also explained that liability for misrepresentation is crucial in an important part of the balance in the DMCA.

然後就是一路往上打,打到前幾天第九巡迴上訴法院宣佈維持原來判決定案。這是官方放出的 PDF:「UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALSFOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT (PDF)」。Summary 的部份提到這次判決的結論:

The panel held that the DMCA requires copyright holders to consider fair use before sending a takedown notification, and that failure to do so raises a triable issue as to whether the copyright holder formed a subjective good faith belief that the use was not authorized by law.

這個判決使得目前使用機器自動無條件送 takedown notification 的程式也會受到規範,後續看 EFF 怎麼出招了...

Google 收到的 DMCA Takedown 在六個月內爆增為原來的十倍...

出自「DMCA Copyright Takedowns To Google Increased 10x In Just The Past Six Months」與 Google 公開的資料「資訊公開報告 - 移除要求 - 版權」。

六個月前是每週 250k 份,現在是 2500k 份。不知道是不是人工三班 (或是四班) 處理,如果每份算一分鐘,代表現在是千人以上的團隊處理 DMCA 問題。

DMCA 最大的問題慢慢浮現出來了:濫用 Takedown Notice 的人極少會受到處罰,所以就濫發。

前陣子 NASA 在 YouTube 上放好奇號登陸成功並傳回第一張照片的影片也被電視台 Takedown 過,最後仍然不了了之:「NASA's Own Video of Curiosity Landing Crashes Into a DMCA Takedown」。

也許要等數量再多十倍時 Google 會爆氣想辦法修法?

YouTube (Google) 允許環球唱片 (Universal Music Group,UMG) 直接移除非 UMG 所擁有版權的影片

依照環球唱片 (Universal Music Group,UMG) 提供給法院的文件中,YouTube (也就是 Google) 允許 UMG 透過 YouTube 的 CMS (Content Management System) 移除「不屬於 UMG 的影片」:「Google Deal Allegedly Lets UMG Wipe YouTube Videos It Doesn't Own」,文件 (PDF) 在:「gov.uscourts.cand.248875.14.0.pdf」這邊可以下載取得。


The UMG-YouTube agreement grants UMG rights to effect the removal of user-posted videos through YouTube’s Content Management System (“CMS”), based on a number of contractually specified criteria that are not limited to the infringements of copyrights owned or controlled by UMG. Klaus Decl., Ex. 4 (Klaus to Kavanaugh letter, Dec. 14, 2011). Dotcom speculates in his declaration that Universal must have sent a so-called “DMCA notification form,” such as the one he printed and attached at Ex. E to his declaration, to YouTube. Doctcom Decl. ¶ 11. But UMG (which interacts with YouTube) does not use that form when requesting the removal of material pursuant to UMG’s contract with YouTube. UMG uses YouTube’s automated CMS system.


GitHub 的 DMCA 政策

GitHub 是美國公司,所以會受到 DMCA 的影響,前幾天他們公佈了收到 DMCA Takedown 時的政策與作法:「DMCA Takedown」(話說回來, 居然沒有上 HTTPS)。

然後很有 GitHub 風格的開了一個 repository 來管這些 Takedown Notice (噴茶):「」,目前已經看到兩封了,以後應該可以看到很多「範本」。其中一封是 Sony 針對 PS3 破解工具發 Takedown notice:「2011-01-27-sony.markdown」(Slashdot 的報導在「Sony Sends DMCA Takedown Notice To GitHub」)

另外一個有公開 Takedown notice 的是 The Pirate Bay,參考「Legal threats against The Pirate Bay」,這邊也有很多範本 XD (應該是只刊出大公司的 XD)