Elasticsearch 提供免費版本的安全功能

Elasticsearch 決定將基本的安全功能從付費功能轉為免費釋出,很明顯的是受到 Open Distro for Elasticsearch 的壓力而做出的改變:「Security for Elasticsearch is now free」。

要注意的是這不是 open source 版本,只是將這些功能放到 basic tier 裡讓使用者免費使用:

Previously, these core security features required a paid Gold subscription. Now they are free as a part of the Basic tier. Note that our advanced security features — from single sign-on and Active Directory/LDAP authentication to field- and document-level security — remain paid features.

這代表 Open Distro for Elasticsearch 提供的還是比較多:

With Open Distro for Elasticsearch, you can leverage your existing authentication infrastructure such as LDAP/Active Directory, SAML, Kerberos, JSON web tokens, TLS certificates, and Proxy authentication/SSO for user authentication. An internal user repository with support for basic HTTP authentication is also avaliable for easy setup and evaluation.

Granular, role-based access control enables you to control the actions a user can perform on your Elasticsearch cluster. Roles control cluster operations, access to indices, and even the fields and documents users can access. Open Distro for Elasticsearch also supports multi-tenant environments, allowing multiple teams to share the same cluster while only being able to access their team's data and dashboards.

目前看起來還是可以朝 Open Distro for Elasticsearch 靠過去...

改 Open Distro for Elasticsearch 預設密碼的方式

AWS 弄出來的 Open Distro for Elasticsearch 因為內建了安全性的功能 (參考「AWS 對 Elastic Stack 實作免費的開源版本 Open Distro for Elasticsearch」),應該是目前新架設 Elasticsearch 的首選。

不過裝好後預設有五個帳號,但從 Open Distro 的 Kibana 介面無法修改改其中兩個使用者的密碼 (adminkibanaserver),要修改密碼發現得花不少功夫,不知道為什麼要這樣設計 :/

這邊講的是透過 RPM (以及 deb) 的方式的修改方式,如果是 Docker 的方式請參考後面提到在 AWS blog 上的文章:「Change your Admin Passwords in Open Distro for Elasticsearch」。

首先先透過 hash.sh 產生 bcrypt 的 hash,像是這樣 (輸入 password 當密碼):

bash /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/tools/hash.sh
WARNING: JAVA_HOME not set, will use /usr/bin/java

然後修改 /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/securityconfig/internal_users.yml 檔案裡面的值,順便改掉 readonly 的部分。

接下來是把這個 internal_users.yml 檔案的設定更新到 Elasticsearch 裡。由於這邊需要讀 /etc/elasticsearch/ 的東西,所以偷懶用 root 跑:

sudo bash /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/tools/securityadmin.sh -cd ../securityconfig/ -icl -nhnv -cacert /etc/elasticsearch/root-ca.pem -cert /etc/elasticsearch/kirk.pem -key /etc/elasticsearch/kirk-key.pem

做完後可能要重跑 Elasticsearch 與 Kibana:

sudo service elasticsearch restart
sudo service kibana restart

或是重開機... 順便測試看看重開後有沒有生效。理論上修改完成後,就是用新的帳號密碼連到 Kibana。

上面的方法是參考了「Default Password Reset」(先找到這篇) 與「change admin password」(後來在 AWS blog 的文章上發現的 GitHub issue 連結) 這邊的資訊。

官方的說明文件則是在寫這篇文章時才找到的,平常搜尋時不太會出現:「Apply configuration changes」。

Open Distro for Elasticsearch 的比較

先前提到的「AWS 對 Elastic Stack 實作免費的開源版本 Open Distro for Elasticsearch」,在「Open Distro for Elasticsearch Review」這邊有整理了一份重點:


AWS 對 Elastic Stack 實作免費的開源版本 Open Distro for Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch 的主體是 Apache License 2.0,但 Elastic Stack (以前叫做 X-Pack) 則是需要付費使用的功能,其中包括了不少跟安全有關的項目在裡面,所以其實有不少人抱怨過產品凌駕安全性的問題,像是「ES 6.3: X-Pack Licence is "Expired" on New Install」這篇官方回應的:

A basic license is not entitled to security features. To try out security you need to use a trial license or obtain a subscription.

AWS 這次則是出手實作了他們自己的版本,叫做 Open Distro for Elasticsearch:「New – Open Distro for Elasticsearch」。

如果你看文章說明,他列出來的 feature 全部都是在 Elastic Stack 這頁上列出來的項目,針對性的意思其實很清楚了:

In addition to Elasticsearch and Kibana, the first release includes a set of advanced security, event monitoring & alerting, performance analysis, and SQL query features (more on those in a bit).


Security – This plugin that supports node-to-node encryption, five types of authentication (basic, Active Directory, LDAP, Kerberos, and SAML), role-based access controls at multiple levels (clusters, indices, documents, and fields), audit logging, and cross-cluster search so that any node in a cluster can run search requests across other nodes in the cluster.

目前支援 Docker Image 與 RPM,之後看看有沒有機會出 deb 版本:

In addition to the source code repo, Open Distro for Elasticsearch and Kibana are available as RPM and Docker containers, with separate downloads for the SQL JDBC and the PerfTop CLI.

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