原來 Disqus 已經被網路廣告公司買走了...

在「Disqus, the dark commenting system」這邊才看到 Disqus 被網路廣告公司買的消息:

Disqus was acquired by an advertising company called Zeta Global in 2017. Obviously, advertising companies do everything to increase their revenue (Ex: the Big G).

引用的報導則是在「Zeta Global acquires commenting service Disqus」這邊可以看到,大約在三年前發生的事情...


I analyzed the network requests log. Disqus makes HTTP requests to 11 different third-party domains through the browser. All of these websites are trackers/pixels (Even some were detected as malware by my security guard).


When you provide a free product, money should come from somewhere. Disqus uses advertising for that. Now, I subscribed to a paid plan trial of Disqus to see if things change or not. No! Even in the paid plans, the same pixels are loaded on the client-side. Looks like there's no way to opt-out from tracking.

後面的推薦可以看看就好,自己架應該還是比較好的選擇... 用「open source comment system」搜有些東西可以參考。


在「Replacing Disqus with Github Comments」這邊看到作者抱怨 DISQUS 的肥大,然後作者自己寫了一個用 GitHub 當後端的 comment system XDDD

先看沒有 DISQUS 的:

然後把 DISQUS 掛進來 XDDD:(不得不說 uBlock OriginDisconnect 是你的好朋友...)