紐約公共圖書館這次放出了十八萬張數位資料,包括歷史照片、地圖以及信件:「The New York Public Library Lets You Download 180,000 Images in High Resolution: Historic Photographs, Maps, Letters & More」,圖書館官方的公告在「Free for All: NYPL Enhances Public Domain Collections For Sharing and Reuse」這邊:
The release of more than 180,000 digitized items represents both a simplification and an enhancement of digital access to a trove of unique and rare materials: a removal of administration fees and processes from public domain content, and also improvements to interfaces — popular and technical — to the digital assets themselves.
除了可以在「NYPL Digital Collections」這邊搜尋下載外,還有 API 可以用:「The New York Public Library Digital Collections API」,在 GitHub 上也有工具可以使用:「Digital Collections Public Domain Item Data and Tools」。
而且這 18 萬張資料是完全的開放,不需要事先取得館方授權:
No permission required, no hoops to jump through: just go forth and reuse!
將 public domain 的文物數位化,傳遞與保存變的更便利... (也讓做研究的人更容易取得資料)