新的 TLS 攻擊:Raccoon Attack

這次看到的是針對 TLS 實做上的問題產生的 Raccoon Attack,反正先取個名字就對了,原圖有點大張,設個 medium size 好了 XDDD:

Why is the attack called "Raccoon"?
Raccoon is not an acronym. Raccoons are just cute animals, and it is well past time that an attack will be named after them :)

先講影響的產品,首先是經常中槍的 F5,這次連 timing measurement 都不需要太準確就可以打穿:

In particular, several F5 products allow executing a special version of the attack, without the need for precise timing measurements.

OpenSSL 的部份因為從 1.0.2f 之後因為其他的 security issue 所以改善了實做方式,就不會受到這次的攻擊手法影響。

剛剛翻了一下 Ubuntu 上的的資料,看起來 16.04 (xenial) 上的 OpenSSL 就已經是 1.0.2g 了,所以目前只要是有在 Ubuntu 支援的版本應該都不受影響:

OpenSSL assigned the issue CVE-2020-1968. OpenSSL does use fresh DH keys per default since version 1.0.2f (which made SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE default as a response to CVE-2016-0701).

Firefox 直接拔了 DH 與 DHE 相關的 cipher suite,反正在這次攻擊手法出來前本來就已經計畫要拔掉:

Mozilla assigned the issue CVE-2020-12413. It has been solved by disabling DH and DHE cipher suites in Firefox (which was already planned before the Raccoon disclosure).


Microsoft assigned the issue CVE-2020-1596. Please refer to the Microsoft Security Response Center portal.

回到攻擊手法,這次的問題是因為 DH 相關的實做造成的問題。

TLS 要求去掉 premaster secret 裡開頭的 0,造成會因為開頭的 0 數量不同而實做上就不會是 constant time,所以有了一些 side channel information 可以用:

Our Raccoon attack exploits a TLS specification side channel; TLS 1.2 (and all previous versions) prescribes that all leading zero bytes in the premaster secret are stripped before used in further computations. Since the resulting premaster secret is used as an input into the key derivation function, which is based on hash functions with different timing profiles, precise timing measurements may enable an attacker to construct an oracle from a TLS server.

然後一層一層堆,能夠知道 premaster secret 開頭是不是 0 之後,接下來因為 server side 會重複使用同一組 premaster secret,所以可以當作一個 oracle,試著去計算出更後面的位數:

This oracle tells the attacker whether a computed premaster secret starts with zero or not. For example, the attacker could eavesdrop ga sent by the client, resend it to the server, and determine whether the resulting premaster secret starts with zero or not.

Learning one byte from a premaster secret would not help the attacker much. However, here the attack gets interesting. Imagine the attacker intercepted a ClientKeyExchange message containing the value ga. The attacker can now construct values related to ga and send them to the server in distinct TLS handshakes. More concretely, the attacker constructs values gri*ga, which lead to premaster secrets gri*b*gab. Based on the server timing behavior, the attacker can find values leading to premaster secrets starting with zero. In the end, this helps the attacker to construct a set of equations and use a solver for the Hidden Number Problem (HNP) to compute the original premaster secret established between the client and the server.

所以針對這個攻擊手法的解法就是用「新鮮的」premaster secret (像是完全不重複使用),然後保留開頭的 0,不需要去掉。而 TLS 1.3 在定義的時候把這兩件事情都做了,所以不會受到影響:

Is TLS 1.3 also affected?
No. In TLS 1.3, the leading zero bytes are preserved for DHE cipher suites (as well as for ECDHE ones) and keys should not be reused.

另外在這邊提到的 Hidden Number Problem (HNP) 也是個不熟悉的詞彙,網站上有提到論文,也就是「Hardness of computing the most significant bits of secret keys in Diffie-Hellman and related schemes」這篇:

Given an oracle Oα(x) that on input x computes the k most significant bits of (α * gx mod p) , find α mod p.


GitHub 停用過時加密演算法的計畫

先前有提到 GitHub 廢除 SSH 中的弱演算法 (參考「GitHub 明年關閉 SSH 上 SHA1 相關的 Kx (Key Exchange) 演算法」),現在宣佈詳細作法了:「Weak cryptographic standards removal notice」。

包括 HTTPS 的 TLSv1/TLSv1.1 以及 SSH 的 diffie-hellman-group1-sha1/diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 都會被廢止。而作法跟其他家不太一樣:

  • February 8, 2018 19:00 UTC (11:00 am PST): Disable deprecated algorithms for one hour
  • February 22, 2018 19:00 UTC (11:00 am PST): Permanently disable deprecated algorithms


GitHub 明年關閉 SSH 上 SHA1 相關的 Kx (Key Exchange) 演算法

GitHub 定下落日條款了:「Weak cryptographic standards deprecation update」。

這次目標是 diffie-hellman-group1-sha1diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,同時啟用了 diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256

Since the announcement, we have been focusing on the impact of disabling the diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 and diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 key exchanges for SSH. As of last week, we have enabled diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256. This key exchange method is widely supported and will allow most legacy clients to seamlessly transition away from diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 and diffie-hellman-group14-sha1.

明年二月拔掉 diffie-hellman-group1-sha1diffie-hellman-group14-sha1

This is a very small percentage of traffic, but we would like to see if we can reduce the incompatible traffic percentage even further before disabling support for the older key exchange algorithms on February 1, 2018.

2015 年的 Turing Award 由 Whitfield Diffie 與 Martin E. Hellman 獲得

紐約時報看到今年的 Turing AwardWhitfield DiffieMartin E. Hellman 獲得:「Cryptography Pioneers Win Turing Award」。在 Turing Award 官網上也可以看到對應的說明。

Diffie–Hellman key exchange 是全世界第一個 (1976 年) 在公開頻道上建立 shared secret 的演算法,直到現在都還廣泛的被使用,可以防禦被動式的監聽攻擊:

The Diffie–Hellman key exchange method allows two parties that have no prior knowledge of each other to jointly establish a shared secret key over an insecure channel.

現在這個演算法用在 PFS (Perfect forward secrecy),或稱為 FS (Forward secrecy),確保 public key 被破解前的連線記錄不會輕易被破解,於是更確保了資料的安全性:

a secure communication protocol is said to have forward secrecy if compromise of long-term keys does not compromise past session keys.

後來這個演算法也被延用到 Elliptic curve 上,也就是 ECDH,因為不使用 Z_{2^p}Z_p (field) 而是使用 Elliptic curve (group),而大幅降低了可被拿來攻擊的特性,而使得 key 的長度可以比 RSA 小很多。

上一個因密碼學拿到 Turing Award 的是 2012 年得獎的 Silvio MicaliShafi Goldwasser,他們所音發展出來的用以對密碼系統驗證的數學方法而得獎。

而更有名的應該是 2002 年 Ronald L. RivestAdi ShamirLeonard M. Adleman 因為 RSA 演算法而得獎的事情。

在愈來愈多新聞揭露安全與隱私問題後 (尤其是政府對人民的監控),密碼學愈來愈被重視。之前在密碼學領域做出重大貢獻的人也陸陸續續得獎...

在攻擊時總是挑最弱的一環:NSA 對 DH 的攻擊

在「How is NSA breaking so much crypto?」這邊提到了 2012 年有文章說明 NSA 有能力解開部份的加密通訊,而後來 Snowden 所提供的資料也證實了這點:

In 2012, James Bamford published an article quoting anonymous former NSA officials stating that the agency had achieved a “computing breakthrough” that gave them “the ability to crack current public encryption.” The Snowden documents also hint at some extraordinary capabilities: they show that NSA has built extensive infrastructure to intercept and decrypt VPN traffic and suggest that the agency can decrypt at least some HTTPS and SSH connections on demand.

但在這之前一直都不清楚是怎麼解出來的,直到最近才猜測應該是 Diffie-Hellman 的強度以及實作問題:「Imperfect Forward Secrecy: How Diffie-Hellman Fails in Practice」。


We go on to consider Diffie-Hellman with 768- and 1024-bit groups. We estimate that even in the 1024-bit case, the computations are plausible given nation-state resources. A small number of fixed or standardized groups are used by millions of servers; performing precomputation for a single 1024-bit group would allow passive eavesdropping on 18% of popular HTTPS sites, and a second group would allow decryption of traffic to 66% of IPsec VPNs and 26% of SSH servers. A close reading of published NSA leaks shows that the agency’s attacks on VPNs are consistent with having achieved such a break. We conclude that moving to stronger key exchange methods should be a priority for the Internet community.

作者群給的建議有三個方向,一個是把長度加長到 2048 bits,另外一個是改用 ECDH,而最差的情況 (如果還是需要使用 1024 bits DH) 則是避免使用固定的 prime number。

OpenSSL 的 ECDH 中,224 bits 速度比 160/192 bits 快的原因

openssl speed ecdh 的時候發現很特別的現象:

Doing 160 bit  ecdh's for 10s: 40865 160-bit ECDH ops in 9.99s
Doing 192 bit  ecdh's for 10s: 34169 192-bit ECDH ops in 9.99s
Doing 224 bit  ecdh's for 10s: 60980 224-bit ECDH ops in 9.99s
Doing 256 bit  ecdh's for 10s: 34298 256-bit ECDH ops in 10.00s
Doing 384 bit  ecdh's for 10s: 9602 384-bit ECDH ops in 10.00s
Doing 521 bit  ecdh's for 10s: 9127 521-bit ECDH ops in 9.99s

原因是 Google 這篇論文的貢獻:「Fast Elliptic Curve Cryptography in OpenSSL」,開頭就提到:

We present a 64-bit optimized implementation of the NIST and SECG-standardized elliptic curve P-224.


full TLS handshakes using a 1024-bit RSA certificate and ephemeral Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange over P-224 now run at twice the speed of standard OpenSSL, while atomic elliptic curve operations are up to 4 times faster.

OpenSSLCHANGES 也可以看到對應的修改,不只是 NIST-P224 有被改善,其他的 NIST-P256 與 NIST-P521 也都有被改善:

Add optional 64-bit optimized implementations of elliptic curves NIST-P224, NIST-P256, NIST-P521, with constant-time single point multiplication on typical inputs.


CloudFlare 的 Keyless SSL 服務

CloudFlare 有兩篇公告出來:「Announcing Keyless SSL™: All the Benefits of CloudFlare Without Having to Turn Over Your Private SSL Keys」、「Keyless SSL: The Nitty Gritty Technical Details」。前面的一篇偏向公告文 (以及公關稿),而後面的一篇提到了實際運作的方式。

用兩張 Keyless SSL 的 flow 就可以知道差異了,一張是 RSA-based,一張是 DH-based:

把與 private key 相關的運算拆出來,由後方計算完成後再計算出 session key 與 client 溝通。如此一來,雖然速度比較慢,但 private key 管理在客戶自己手上...

AWS ELB 加強安全性...

AWS ELB 加強對 SSL 安全性的功能:「Elastic Load Balancing – Perfect Forward Secrecy and Other Security Enhancements」。

第一個是支援 PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy),愈大多數的實做相同,是使用 ECDH

第二個是 Server Order Preference,由 server 這邊決定最終的 cipher。

最重要的是第三個,也就是「懶人包」。推出新的 security policy ELBSecurityPolicy-2014-01,把上面兩個都設進去了。


1024bits 的 RSA 與 DH...

看到「Majority of Tor crypto keys could be broken by NSA, researcher says」,說明 NSA 曾經跟 IBM 訂作特殊晶片:

"Everyone seems to agree that if anything, the NSA can break 1024 RSA/DH keys," Graham wrote in a blog post published Friday. "Assuming no 'breakthroughs,' the NSA can spend $1 billion on custom chips that can break such a key in a few hours. We know the NSA builds custom chips, they've got fairly public deals with IBM foundries to build chips."

而目前大多數的 Tor 節點都是用 2.3.x 的版本 (使用 1024bits DHE),官方網站目前也是提供 2.3.x 下載,只有少數使用 2.4.x (使用 ECDHE),不過一時間找不到 ECDHE 用多長的 EC key,所以也不清楚抵抗能力到底到麼程度...

SSL/TLS 的 Perfect Forward Secrecy...

寫這篇順便測試 MathJax 的效果...

因為 NSA 的惡搞,這陣子 PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy) 突然被拿出來討論:

在講 PFS 前,得先講 Diffie-Hellman key exchange (D-H)。

D-H 是利用這個等式:

$$(g^a)^b \equiv (g^b)^a \mod p$$

其中 \(p\) 是大質數,而 \(g\) 是 \(p\) 的 primitive root (即不存在任何 \(n < p\) 可以使得 \(g^n \equiv 1 \mod p\))。 而因為當 \(p\) 夠大時,要從 \(g^a \mod p\) 計算 \(a\) 就是離散對數問題,而離散對數問題是已知沒有有效率計算的問題,所以我們會假定當 \(p\) 夠大時,傳輸 \(g^a \mod p\) 是無法用合理資源計算得知 \(a\)。

因此,Alice 與 Bob 就可以產生自己的 private secret \(a\) (Alice) 與 \(b\) (Bob),計算出 \(g^a\) 與 \(g^b\) 後公開傳輸給對方,當 Bob 收到 Alice 提供的 \(g^a\) 時就計算 \((g^a)^b \equiv g^{ab} \mod n\),而 Alice 收到 Bob 提供的 \(g^b\) 後可以計算 \((g^b)^a \equiv g^{ba} \equiv g^{ab} \mod n\)。

而攻擊者只拿到公開的 \(g^a\) 與 \(g^b\) 以及 \(g\),無法計算出 \(g^{ab}\),於是就雙方就建立一組 shared secret 了。

回到 SSL/TLS 的問題上,由於 RSA 加解密的速度並不快,所以 SSL/TLS 是在 RSA 的保護下交換 RC4 或是 AES 所需要的金鑰 (key)。

交換 key 這件事情除了可以直接交換以外,還可以利用 D-H 交換。

D-H 交換可以確保當 RSA key 被破解時還要再破每個 session 的 D-H 所產生出來的 key,而直接交換的話,只要破一把 RSA key 就可以解出所有 traffic 了。

而 PFS 會被提出來,是因為目前消息指出 NSA 其實有在錄下 SSL/TLS 流量,等哪天有機會取得 RSA key 的時候 (無論是硬解,或是其他方式),就有機會能夠一次破一卡車資料... (因為目前大部分的 SSL/TLS 流量都沒有上 PFS)

雖然 PFS 會慢一些,不過已經確認 NSA 打算來搞了,所以還是乖乖加上去吧... @_@