在「Libtree: Ldd as a tree saying why a library is found or not (github.com/haampie)」這邊看到的,本來看到名字以為是與樹狀資料結構有關的 library,結果實際看了發現這邊的 libtree 指的是將執行檔裡面使用到的 dependency (library) 展成樹狀:
比起 ldd 的輸出多了更多資訊,這個在想辦法解決 library 問題時比 ldd 好用不少。
在「Libtree: Ldd as a tree saying why a library is found or not (github.com/haampie)」這邊看到的,本來看到名字以為是與樹狀資料結構有關的 library,結果實際看了發現這邊的 libtree 指的是將執行檔裡面使用到的 dependency (library) 展成樹狀:
比起 ldd 的輸出多了更多資訊,這個在想辦法解決 library 問題時比 ldd 好用不少。
一樣是在 Hacker News 上看到「Who invented vector clocks? (decomposition.al)」這篇文章,在找出誰發明了 vector clock,原文在「Who invented vector clocks?」。
主要有兩個不同的時間點,一個是 vector clock 概念的提出,另外一個是第一次用到 vector 這個詞。
這篇讓我覺得有趣的地方是,vector clock 本來就是在處理分散式系統裡面事件順序的問題,而這篇文章則是在找出真實世界裡面這些發明的先後順序,而且也牽扯到了各種 citation (類比到分散式系統裡事件的 dependency)。
在 Daily Lobsters 上看到「Solving Sudoku with Poetry's dependency resolver」這篇完全是惡搞 Python 下 Poetry 套件 XDDD
作者搞出來的方法是這樣,指定 81 個版號來表示題目,然後跑 Poetry 找可以的版本組合:
[tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.6" sudoku-cell11 = "*" sudoku-cell12 = "2.0.0" sudoku-cell13 = "*" sudoku-cell14 = "8.0.0" sudoku-cell15 = "*" sudoku-cell16 = "9.0.0" sudoku-cell17 = "*" sudoku-cell18 = "*" sudoku-cell19 = "*" sudoku-cell21 = "3.0.0" sudoku-cell22 = "7.0.0" sudoku-cell23 = "*" sudoku-cell24 = "6.0.0" ...
另外作者有提到,本來是打算用 Yarn 來解,但看起來各種嘗試都會搞爆 Yarn,才換到 Python 上面玩 XD
在 Hacker News 首頁上看到「Massive ~2.3k Patch Series Would Improve Linux Build Times 50~80% & Fix "Dependency Hell"」這個,對應到 mailing list 上的信件是「* [PATCH 0000/2297] [ANNOUNCE, RFC] "Fast Kernel Headers" Tree -v1: Eliminate the Linux kernel's "Dependency Hell"」這個,看到「0000/2297」這個 prefix XDDD
他主要是想要改善 Linux Kernel 的 compile 時間 (從 project 的名稱「Fast Kernel Headers」可以看到),只是沒想到會縮短這麼多。另外一方面也順便處理了 dependency hell 的問題 (改善維護性)。
測試出來的結果相當驚人,從 231.34 +- 0.60 secs (15.5 builds/hour) 到 129.97 +- 0.51 secs (27.7 builds/hour),以編譯次數來看的話是 78% 的改善。如果以 CPU time 來看的話,從 11,474,982.05 msec cpu-clock 降到 7,100,730.37 msec cpu-clock,也是以編譯次數來算的話,有 61.6% 的改善...
When I started this project, late 2020, I expected there to be maybe 50-100 patches. I did a few crude measurements that suggested that about 20% build speed improvement could be gained by reducing header dependencies, without having a substantial runtime effect on the kernel. Seemed substantial enough to justify 50-100 commits.
But as the number of patches increased, I saw only limited performance increases. By mid-2021 I got to over 500 commits in this tree and had to throw away my second attempt (!), the first two approaches simply didn't scale, weren't maintainable and barely offered a 4% build speedup, not worth the churn of 500 patches and not worth even announcing.
With the third attempt I introduced the per_task() machinery which brought the necessary flexibility to reduce dependencies drastically, and it was a type-clean approach that improved maintainability. But even at 1,000 commits I barely got to a 10% build speed improvement. Again this was not something I felt comfortable pushing upstream, or even announcing. :-/
But the numbers were pretty clear: 20% performance gains were very much possible. So I kept developing this tree, and most of the speedups started arriving after over 1,500 commits, in the fall of 2021. I was very surprised when it went beyond 20% speedup and more, then arrived at the current 78% with my reference config. There's a clear super-linear improvement property of kernel build overhead, once the number of dependencies is reduced to the bare minimum.
這次的 patch 雖然超大包,但看起來對於 compile 時間改善非常多,應該會有不少討論... 消息還蠻新的 (台灣時間今天早上五點的信),晚點可以看一下其他大老出來回什麼...
在 Hacker News 首頁上看到 Google 提供了一套用 Golang 寫的工具,可以掃描 JAR 檔裡面是否有中獎的 Log4j:「log4jscanner」,對應的討論在「Log4jscanner (github.com/google)」這邊。
看起來是內部工具,放出來前先把 vcs history 清掉了:
We unfortunately had to squash the history when open sourcing. The following contributors were instrumental in this project's development: [...]
另外討論裡也有人提到「OWASP Dependency-Check」這個工具也可以掃,這套就更一般性了:
Dependency-check automatically updates itself using the NVD Data Feeds hosted by NIST.
前幾天在 Hacker News Daily 上看到的工具:「Exodus」,官方的說明是這樣:
Painless relocation of Linux binaries–and all of their dependencies–without containers.
技術上是把 Linux ELF 檔案搬到其他機器上以外,也幫你把對應的 dynamic library 都一起包進去:
- Finding and bundling all of a binary's dependencies.
- Launching the binary in such a way that the proper dependencies are used without any potential interaction from system libraries on the destination machine.
而 Linux 的 Kernel 因為有儘量維持 ABI compatibility,應該是不會有太大的問題,除非剛好用到新的 API...
看起來是個除了用 static compile 以外的解法,好像可以來弄弄看 FFmpeg?
在「An Analysis of the JavaScript Package Ecosystem npm」這篇看到作者把 npm 的 dependency 當作資料來源,計算出 npm 的 PageRank:
可以看到 Underscore.js 的 PageRank 一直都維持在第一位... 這個方法頗有趣的,不知道有沒有其他語言的 :o
愈用愈有感覺 SaltStack 是一堆 workaround 的集合,一開始在設計整個系統時沒有規劃好,然後一直堆上去。
標題的這個問題是出自於 Ubuntu 預設會將 CPU 調節成 ondemand,方式是透過 /etc/rc*.d/
下的 symbolic link 在開機時自動執行。
拔掉的方法是 updated-rc.d ondemand disable
(而非直接砍掉 /etc/rc*.d/
裡面的檔案),想要透過 SaltStack 提供的 file.exists 或 file.missing 都發現不可行。
最後是 cmd.run + onlyif + test 搞定:
ondemand-disable: cmd.run: - name: update-rc.d ondemand disable - onlyif: test -e /etc/rc2.d/S99ondemand
SaltStack 對於 dependency 的設計看起來問題重重,如果想要用 SaltStack 的人可以好好考慮一下。
現在的作法是直接 trial and error 跟他拼,Puppet、Chef、SaltStack 都直接用時間跟他換。原因是這東西實在太底層了,架構不好就是上面的管理員與 DevOps 一直 workaround。