加拿大禁止透過 ISP 發送版權侵害通知

因為被濫用的關係,加拿大決定禁止版權擁有人透過 ISP 發送版權侵害通知:「Canada Prohibits Piracy Settlement Demands in ISP Copyright Notices」。


Moving forward, rightsholders will not be allowed to send copyright infringement notices for ISPs to pass onto their customers, if they contain a direct or indirect offer to settle.

TorrentFreak 的文章裡也提到了,就是要阻止這樣的行為變成「產業」:

The development effectively ends Rightscorp-style business models in Canada.


Bill C-86, the Budget Implementation Act, has now received royal assent, so there will be some big changes in the Great White North. Section 41.‍25 of the Copyright Act is now amended with the addition of the following;

(3) A notice of claimed infringement shall not contain:

(a) an offer to settle the claimed infringement;
(b) a request or demand, made in relation to the claimed infringement, for payment or for personal information;
(c) a reference, including by way of hyperlink, to such an offer, request or demand; and
(d) any other information that may be prescribed by regulation.

貴不少的 DynamoDB On-Demand...

DynamoDB 用起來比較困難的部份就是規劃 R/W capacity,所以 AWS 就推出了 DynamoDB On-Demand,直接計算用多少而不用規劃 R/W capacity:「Amazon DynamoDB On-Demand – No Capacity Planning and Pay-Per-Request Pricing」。

先講一下歷史,在 2014 的時候 Jeff Barr 就有在「Auto Scale DynamoDB With Dynamic DynamoDB」這邊提到開一台 t1.micro 在上面跑程式實做 DynamoDB 的 auto scaling。

另外在 2017 年的時候 AWS 自己推出了同樣的功能,就不需要開機器了,交給 AWS 的服務處理就可以了:「New – Auto Scaling for Amazon DynamoDB」。


目前想到唯一會炸掉的情境應該是突然被熱門媒體報導,而導致大量的 guest session 衝進來,而且架構上又沒有針對 guest session 用 cache 擋住 (Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator 也是個選項),導致壓力就全部到後端的 DynamoDB,而 auto scaling 機制需要時間看到量才會調整,在這段時間就有可能短時間倒站。

回來看這次的 On-Demand 提出來的價錢。以 us-east-1 的價錢來看:

Write request units	$1.25 per million write request units
Read request units	$0.25 per million read request units

而本來要自己規劃 R/W capacity 的價錢是 (這邊是 hourly):

Write capacity unit (WCU)	$0.00065 per WCU
Read capacity unit (RCU)	$0.00013 per RCU

由於不管是 On-Demand 還是本來的規劃,Read 價錢都是 Write 的 1/5,所以只要看 Write 一樣可以知道差距。

接下來把 On-Demand 的價錢換算成 3600 個 request units 就可以比較單價,是 $0.0045 (Write),大約是本來版本 6.92 倍的費用...

而且對於已經有規模的應用,這邊還沒算 Reserved Capacity 會有折扣的部份?

這個定價策略讓我想到 AWS Fargate 的情況... 如果你可以接受這個價錢,你可以平常就開五倍的 R/W capacity 在上面啊 XDDD

AWS 推出 EC2 Fleet:直接混搭標準 EC2、Spot、RI 的計算

AWS 將本來 EC2Spot Fleet 加上了 EC2 Fleet,計算的公式從本來只有 Spot Instace,變成把標準 EC2 Instance 與 RI 的計算全部都納進來:「EC2 Fleet – Manage Thousands of On-Demand and Spot Instances with One Request」。

Today we are extending and generalizing the set-it-and-forget-it model that we pioneered in Spot Fleet with EC2 Fleet, a new building block that gives you the ability to create fleets that are composed of a combination of EC2 On-Demand, Reserved, and Spot Instances with a single API call.

不過目前有些服務還沒整,主要是跟 auto scaling 有關的部份,這部份應該是一次上一大包:

We plan to connect EC2 Fleet and EC2 Auto Scaling groups. This will let you create a single fleet that mixed instance types and Spot, Reserved and On-Demand, while also taking advantage of EC2 Auto Scaling features such as health checks and lifecycle hooks. This integration will also bring EC2 Fleet functionality to services such as Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS, and AWS Batch that build on and make use of EC2 Auto Scaling for fleet management.


直接從 IMDb 編號看影片

看到「Now Anyone Can Embed a Pirate Movie in a Website」這邊介紹的東西,直接輸入 IMDb 的編號 (包括 tt 開頭的那串編號),他就自動拉出 embed code:


然後還支援字幕 (唔):

Interestingly, should one of those sources be Google Video, Vodlocker says its player offers Chromecast and subtitle support.


VoDLocker searches all general video hosters like youtube, google drive, openload...

看起來整塊技術其實都是現成的。透過 search engine 加上定期的檢查機制與回報機制就可以做完 @_@