在 Hacker News 上看到「Jpegli: A new JPEG coding library (googleblog.com)」,原文是「Introducing Jpegli: A New JPEG Coding Library」。
Our results show that Jpegli can compress high quality images 35% more than traditional JPEG codecs.
但這邊沒有講壓縮率的部分是哪個「traditional JPEG codec」比較,大概就是「WebP 的檔案大小未必比 JPEG 小...」這邊的老招了,應該是跟 cjpeg 比,如果跟 MozJPEG 比的話就未必有那麼高了。
想要寫起來的是 Hacker News 留言有提到命名的邏輯,這個 -li
結尾的用法可以看出來是 Google 蘇黎世團隊的產品:
The suffix -li is used in Swiss German dialects. It forms a diminutive of the root word, by adding -li to the end of the root word to convey the smallness of the object and to convey a sense of intimacy or endearment.
This obviously comes out of Google Zürich.