AWS 推出了 Graviton3 的機種

Amazon EC2 推出了 Graviton3 的機種:「New Graviton3-Based General Purpose (m7g) and Memory-Optimized (r7g) Amazon EC2 Instances」。

第一波只有一般的 m7g 與記憶體型的 r7g,而計算型的 c7g 大家在 Twitter 上猜應該晚點會放出消息。在去年五月就推出了:「AWS 推出 c7g 機種」。

目前只在歐美的 us-east-1us-east-2us-west-2eu-west-1 區提供,亞洲目前都還沒有這些機種可以用:

M7g and R7g instances are available today in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland) AWS Regions in On-Demand, Spot, Reserved Instance, and Savings Plan form.

官方宣稱比 Graviton2 的 m6g & r6g 多了 25% 的效能,不過我另外查了一下 us-east-1 上的價錢,也貴了 6% 左右,如果依照官方宣稱的數字計算,大約是 18% 左右的 CP 值提昇,對於有實際上跑滿的 CPU 的人是個不錯的效能提昇:

Today I am happy to tell you about the newest Amazon EC2 instance types, the M7g and the R7g. Both types are powered by the latest generation AWS Graviton3 processors, and are designed to deliver up to 25% better performance than the equivalent sixth-generation (M6g and R6g) instances, making them the best performers in EC2.

裡面有提到在 Graviton3 的一個架構上的大改變是記憶體從 DDR4 變到 DDR5,這使得記憶體的傳輸頻寬提昇了 50%:

Both types of instances are equipped with DDR5 memory, which provides up to 50% higher memory bandwidth than the DDR4 memory used in previous generations.

接下來是看有沒有下放到 t 系列的計畫,像是 t5g 之類的,有的話再用看看好了,不過 blog 這台已經買了三年 RI,等到期間滿了之後說不定都有 Graviton4 或是 Graviton5 了...

AWS 要推出 Graviton3 的機種了

AWS 打算要推出 Graviton3 的機種了,目前還在 preview 階段:「Join the Preview – Amazon EC2 C7g Instances Powered by New AWS Graviton3 Processors」。

目前是宣稱與前一代的 Graviton2 相比有 25% 的效能提昇,另外在浮點數與密碼相關的運算上面也會有改善 (這個效能提昇的數字應該是有指令集的幫助):

In comparison to the Graviton2, the Graviton3 will deliver up to 25% more compute performance and up to twice as much floating point & cryptographic performance. On the machine learning side, Graviton3 includes support for bfloat16 data and will be able to deliver up to 3x better performance.

另外提到了 signed pointer,可以避免 stack 被搞,不過這邊需要 OS 與 compiler 的支援,算是針對 stack 類的攻擊提出的防禦方案:

Graviton3 processors also include a new pointer authentication feature that is designed to improve security. Before return addresses are pushed on to the stack, they are first signed with a secret key and additional context information, including the current value of the stack pointer. When the signed addresses are popped off the stack, they are validated before being used. An exception is raised if the address is not valid, thereby blocking attacks that work by overwriting the stack contents with the address of harmful code. We are working with operating system and compiler developers to add additional support for this feature, so please get in touch if this is of interest to you.

然後是使用 DDR5 的記憶體:

C7g instances will be available in multiple sizes (including bare metal), and are the first in the cloud industry to be equipped with DDR5 memory. In addition to drawing less power, this memory delivers 50% higher bandwidth than the DDR4 memory used in the current generation of EC2 instances.

現在還沒看到價錢,不過有可能是跟 c6g 一樣的價位?但考慮到記憶體換架構,也有可能是貴一些的?

另外翻了一下資料,ARM 有發表過新聞稿提到 Graviton2 是 ARM 的 Cortex-M55 機種:「Designing Arm Cortex-M55 CPU on Arm Neoverse powered AWS Graviton2 Processors」,這次的 Graviton3 應該在之後完整公開後會有更多消息出來...