OpenDNS 停止在法國的 DNS Resolver 服務

前陣子法國法院要求在 DNS 層阻擋的事情 (參考「Google Public DNS 接受法國法院的阻擋要求」) 有新的進度了,OpenDNS 直接停止在法國的 DNS Resolver 服務:「OpenDNS Suspends Service in France Due to Canal+ Piracy Blocking Order」。

不是把法國當地的服務停掉改由其他地區的 anycast 提供服務,而是在服務本身上面直接阻擋法國的使用者:

Reports of problems with the OpenDNS service seemed to begin on Friday, and it didn’t take long to discover the cause. The technical issues were isolated to France and apparently parts of Portugal too, with an explanation having appeared on the OpenDNS website, perhaps as early as Thursday evening.


Effective June 28, 2024: Due to a court order in France issued under Article L.333-10 of the French Sport code and a court order in Portugal issued under Article 210-G(3) of the Portuguese Copyright Code, the OpenDNS service is not currently available to users in France and certain French territories and in Portugal. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Google Public DNS 接受法國法院的阻擋要求

看到「Google, Cloudflare & Cisco Will Poison DNS to Stop Piracy Block Circumvention」這篇,法國在 2022 年通過的體育法律反過來干涉 ISP 或是服務提供商需要配合阻擋:

Tampering with public DNS is a step too far for many internet advocates but for major rightsholders, if the law can be shaped to allow it, that’s what will happen. In this case, Article L333-10 of the French Sports Code (active Jan 2022) seems capable of accommodating almost anything.

拿文章裡面提到的 測試,實際在法國開一台 Vultr 的 VPS 測試各家 Public DNS 服務,看起來目前 Google Public DNS 已經實作了,而且傳回了 RFC 8914: Extended DNS Errors 內的 EDE 16:

$ dig @

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
; EDE: 16 (Censored): (The requested domain is on a court ordered copyright piracy blocklist for FR (ISO country code). To learn more about this specific removal, please visit
;                  IN      A

目前拿 (Cloudflare)、 (Quad9) 以及 (OpenDNS) 都還沒有看到被擋。

另外實際測試,自己架設 Unbound 看起來就可以繞過去了,不知道後續會不會要求更多,像是直接要求在 internet backbone 上面過濾 DNS?(當年推 DNS over TLSDNS over HTTPS 總算要派上用場了?)

另外就是看 Cloudflare 以及其他 Public DNS 服務有沒有反對的動作...

南韓最高法院也對 Web Scraping 給出了類似美國的判例

也是上個禮拜在 Hacker News 上看到的新聞,南韓最高法院對於 web scraping 也做出了類似美國 HiQ Labs v. LinkedIn 案的判例:「Korean Supreme Court Provides Clarity on Web Scraping and Violation of the Relevant Korean Laws, including the Copyright Act and Information Protection Act (Supreme Court, 2021Do1533, May 12, 2022)」,原文似乎已經被 paywall,但可以從 Internet Archive 的「這邊」與 的「這邊」讀到原全文。另外在 Hacker News 上的討論「The Supreme Korean court says that scraping publicly available data is legal (」。

hiQ 的案子之前有寫過,可以參考「hiQ 爬 LinkedIn 資料的無罪判決」這邊。


On May 12, 2022, the Korean Supreme Court held in Case No. 2021Do1533 that scraping publicly available data from a competitor’s website does not violate the asserted laws, including the Copyright Act and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection (“Information Protection Act”).

比較特別的是在講刑事責任的第三點提到了 read only,不確定是不是反駁原告的立論:

The Supreme Court also found Defendants not guilty of violating the Criminal Code in light of the following findings: (i) the Defendants’ act of scraping did not interfere with information processing on Yanolja’s API server; (ii) the Defendants’ act of scraping did not interfere with Yanolja’s booking business; (iii) the Defendants did not interfere with Yanolja’s business, because its scraping did not modify data within Yanolja’s API server; and (iv) the Defendants lacked mens rea for criminal interference with business, as the Defendants merely intended to collect accommodation information from Yanolja’s API server.


德國的地方法院說使用 Google Fonts 服務沒有告知使用者違反 GDPR

看到「German Court Rules Websites Embedding Google Fonts Violates GDPR」這篇,雖然不是最終判決,但總是個開始:

A regional court in the German city of Munich has ordered a website operator to pay €100 in damages for transferring a user's personal data — i.e., IP address — to Google via the search giant's Fonts library without the individual's consent.

因為 GDPR 內把 IP address 資訊視為 PII,所以看起來任何 3rd-party 的內嵌服務應該都會受到影響,來追起來看一下後續的發展好了...

法院認為 Apple 必須在 12 月 9 日前開放行動平台上的第三方支付

大標題是「Judge orders Apple to allow external payment options for App Store by December 9th, denying stay」,小標題是「And Apple announces it will appeal」。

本來 Apple 想要繼續拖延,但法院直接打槍,然後 Apple 決定要再上訴到第九巡迴庭,基本上我們就是在旁邊坐著等看戲...

另外前陣子 Google 宣佈在南韓會開放其他付款機制 (參考「Google 在南韓開放 app 裡面使用其他付款機制了」),就沒看到 Apple 這邊的動作,找了一下新聞只看到 Apple 在南韓的頭決定不幹了:「Apple's top exec in South Korea departs amid dispute over App Store」,也許之後再找看看...

EULA 不能禁止使用者 decompile 修 bug

Hacker News Daily 上翻到的,歐洲法院認為 EULA 不能禁止使用者 decompile 修 bug:「EU court rules no EULA can forbid decompilation, if you want to fix a bug (」,官方的英文版文件在這邊可以翻到,不過原始判決是法文:

* Language of the case: French.

這是 Top System SA 與比利時政府打的訴訟,法院認為修 bug 而需要 decompile 這件事情是合法的,即使考慮到 Article 6 的規範:

In the light of the foregoing considerations, the answer to the first question referred is that Article 5(1) of Directive 91/250 must be interpreted as meaning that the lawful purchaser of a computer program is entitled to decompile all or part of that program in order to correct errors affecting its operation, including where the correction consists in disabling a function that is affecting the proper operation of the application of which that program forms a part.

In the light of the foregoing considerations, the answer to the second question referred is that Article 5(1) of Directive 91/250 must be interpreted as meaning that the lawful purchaser of a computer program who wishes to decompile that program in order to correct errors affecting the operation thereof is not required to satisfy the requirements laid down in Article 6 of that directive. However, that purchaser is entitled to carry out such a decompilation only to the extent necessary to effect that correction and in compliance, where appropriate, with the conditions laid down in the contract with the holder of the copyright in that program.


REQUEST for a preliminary ruling under Article 267 TFEU from the Cour d’appel de Bruxelles (Court of Appeal, Brussels, Belgium), made by decision of 20 December 2019, received at the Court on 14 January 2020[.]

但不管怎樣,算是有些東西出來了... 然後 Hacker News 上面的討論就看到一些很歡樂的例子:

This becomes incredibly interesting in terms of e.g. Denuvo. This anti-piracy middleware has been shown to make games unplayable, and this EU law seems to support removing it.

哭啊怎麼提到該死的 Denuvo XDDD

法國法院判決 Steam 上的遊戲可以轉賣

Valve 不允許轉賣 Steam 上的遊戲,結果就被告上法院,並且判決違反歐盟法律:「French court rules Steam games must be able to be resold」。

French website Next Inpact reports the Paris Court of First Instance ruled on Tuesday that European Union law allows Steam users to resell their digital games, just like they can any physical product.

看起來 Steam 會上訴,再等幾個月看看...

hiQ 爬 LinkedIn 資料的無罪判決

hiQ 之前爬 LinkedIn 的公開資料而被 LinkedIn 告 (可以參考 2017 時的「hiQ prevails / LinkedIn must allow scraping / Of your page info」),這場官司一路打官司打到第九巡迴庭,最後的判決確認了 LinkedIn 完全敗訴。判決書在「HIQ LABS V. LINKEDIN」這邊可以看到。

這次的判決書有提到當初地方法院有下令 LinkedIn 不得用任何方式設限抓取公開資料:

The district court granted hiQ’s motion. It ordered LinkedIn to withdraw its cease-and-desist letter, to remove any existing technical barriers to hiQ’s access to public profiles, and to refrain from putting in place any legal or technical measures with the effect of blocking hiQ’s access to public profiles. LinkedIn timely appealed.

而在判決書裡其他地方也可以看到巡迴庭不斷確認地方法院當時的判決是合理的,並且否定 LinkedIn 的辯解:(這邊只拉了兩段,裡面還有提到很多次)

In short, the district court did not abuse its discretion in concluding on the preliminary injunction record that hiQ currently has no viable way to remain in business other than using LinkedIn public profile data for its Keeper and Skill Mapper services, and that HiQ therefore has demonstrated a likelihood of irreparable harm absent a preliminary injunction.

We conclude that the district court’s determination that the balance of hardships tips sharply in hiQ’s favor is not “illogical, implausible, or without support in the record.” Kelly, 878 F.3d at 713.


Bose 販賣用戶隱私被告

Unroll 在旁邊燒的時候 (參考 Uber 戰火蔓延到 Unroll),Bose 也不甘寂寞決定跟上科技業的潮流:「Bose headphones spy on listeners: lawsuit」。

Bose 直接將他們 app 收集到的資訊拿出來賣:

Bose Corp spies on its wireless headphone customers by using an app that tracks the music, podcasts and other audio they listen to, and violates their privacy rights by selling the information without permission, a lawsuit charged.

這次打算控告的產品包括這些 (這邊提到的 Zak 是原告):

Zak is seeking millions of dollars of damages for buyers of headphones and speakers, including QuietComfort 35, QuietControl 30, SoundLink Around-Ear Wireless Headphones II, SoundLink Color II, SoundSport Wireless and SoundSport Pulse Wireless.


The case is Zak v Bose Corp, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, No. 17-02928.


歐盟法院 (The Court of Justice of the European Union) 認為公開無線網路的營運者不需要對使用者的侵權行為負責:「EU Court: Open WiFi Operator Not Liable For Pirate Users」。

不過這是有一些前提的,法院認為應該要符合這幾個要件,營運方才不要負責。基本上完全沒有 filter 限制的無線網路會符合這些條件:

The Court further notes that in order for such ‘mere conduit’ services to be exempt from third party liability, three cumulative conditions must be met:

– The provider must not have initiated the transmission
– It must not have selected the recipient of the transmission
– It must neither have selected nor modified the information contained in the transmission.


In an effort to strike a balance between protecting a service provider from third party liability and the rights of IP owners, the Court ruled that providers can be required to end infringement.

“[T]he directive does not preclude the copyright holder from seeking before a national authority or court to have such a service provider ordered to end, or prevent, any infringement of copyright committed by its customers,” the Court found.

One such measure could include the obtaining of an injunction which would force an operator to password-protect his open WiFi network in order to deter infringement.


On a more positive note, the Court rejected the notion of monitoring networks for infringement or taking more aggressive actions where unnecessary.

“[T]he directive expressly rules out the adoption of a measure to monitor information transmitted via a given network. Similarly, a measure consisting in terminating the internet connection completely without considering the adoption of measures less restrictive of the connection provider’s freedom to conduct a business would not be capable of reconciling the abovementioned conflicting rights,” the Court concludes.
