
前幾天在 Hacker News Daily 上看到「TV backlight compensation (2020) (lofibucket.com)」這個,原文是 2020 年的文章「TV backlight compensation」,作者拿到一台不用錢的電視機,但這台電視機的背光已經老化了,發光亮度不平均,大概是這樣的情況:

把電視機的背光問題當作是一個函數 f(x),然後把翻拍產生的亮度差當作是 g(x),目標是要找出 f(x) 的反函數 f-1(x):

然後從作者的程式碼與解釋可以看出來不是針對每個 pixel 都單獨調整,而是全部套用同一個公式,然後目標是針對黑白畫面去調整:

The whole point of this exercise was to make black-and-white movies look better.


作者是把這個修正掛到 MPC-BE 上面,但 Hacker News 上面有人提到也可以實做 Gnome 的版本,直接讓整個 OS 都可以套用:「Hello1024/gse-shader」。

有點拼但還蠻有趣的東西 XD


雖然利用談判技巧是可以避開 (在你有本錢談判的情況下),麻州直接立法禁止了,這對於求職者來說相當重要:「Illegal in Massachusetts: Asking Your Salary in a Job Interview」。

The new law will require hiring managers to state a compensation figure upfront — based on what an applicant’s worth is to the company, rather than on what he or she made in a previous position.

法案是「Bill S.2119」,可以看到「An Act to establish pay equity」的說明,應該是指目標之類的。


SECTION 7. This act shall take effect on January 1, 2018.


(3) seek the salary history of any prospective employee from any current or former employer; provided, however, that a prospective employee may provide written authorization to a prospective employer to confirm prior wages, including benefits or other compensation or salary history only after any offer of employment with compensation has been made to the prospective employee;
