線上測試 SQL Injection 喔喔喔

在「An SQL Injection Attack Is a Legal Company Name in the UK」這邊看到英國的這家公司:「; DROP TABLE "COMPANIES";-- LTD」,根本就是在幫大家測試 XDDD

當然,大家也都馬上聯想到這則 xkcd 漫畫:「Exploits of a Mom」。

來招喚 QQ 姊翻譯這則 xkcd 漫畫?


中國因為一年只讓國民帶五萬美金出國,於是中國的富豪就想到各種方法搬移財產,其中 Boing Boing 介紹的這個方法真的頗棒的 XDDD:「Chinese millionaire sues himself through an offshore shell company to beat currency export controls」。


But there's a better way: for a small sum, you can just set up an offshore shell company, direct it to sue a Chinese company you own, throw the lawsuit, and then, oh well, I guess there's nothing for it but to send a bunch of cash to your shell company, exempted from export controls, in the form of court-ordered damages.

這方法 XDDD

英國計畫在 2018 年開始強制企業公佈男女的平均薪資及 Bonus

英國計畫從 2018 年開始,超過 250 人的公司必須公佈男女的平均薪資及 Bonus:「Companies will be forced to reveal their gender pay gap」:

The new rules, revealed on Friday, will apply to all companies with more than 250 employees.

除了平均薪資以及 bonus 外,還必須公開每個區間的人數:

In addition to publishing their average gender pay and bonus gap, around 8,000 employers across the country will also have to publish the number of men and women in each pay range.


The government is hoping that naming and shaming firms that pay women a lot less than men in the same jobs will push them to stop the practice, because it will make it harder for them to attract top talent.



In the U.S., similar plans are also under discussions. President Obama announced a proposal earlier this month that would require companies with more than 100 employees to report how much they are paying their employees by race, ethnicity and gender.

nginx 作者 Igor Sysoev 成立公司

nginx 網站上有這則訊息,Igor Sysoev 將會成立公司,全力投入 nginx 的發展及維護。nginx 仍然會維持 2-clause BSD license,並免費提供使用。

在「Nginx Creator Plans Company to Better Serve Millions of Sites Using Its Web Servers」這邊有些說明,另外在說明後面有訪問的內容。
