Amazon CloudWatch 支援縮放與拖拉調整時間區間

Amazon CloudWatch 的操作上支援 Zoom 與 Pan 了:「Amazon CloudWatch now supports two new chart visualization options in metrics and dashboards」。

Zoom 是改變時間的粒度:

You can use the CloudWatch console to graph metric data generated by AWS services and your applications. Now, you can zoom into a shorter time period such as one minute or five minutes while viewing the metric graph at a longer interval.

Pan 則是維持一樣的粒度,但改變開始與結束的時間:

Once zoomed, you can also pan the metric graph across your selected interval, but at a zoomed detail level.


AWS PrivateLink

AWS 計畫把先前設計的 VPC Endpoint 都併到 AWS PrivateLink 裡,統一管理:「New – AWS PrivateLink for AWS Services: Kinesis, Service Catalog, EC2 Systems Manager, Amazon EC2 APIs, and ELB APIs in your VPC」。

Today we are announcing AWS PrivateLink, the newest generation of VPC Endpoints which is designed for customers to access AWS services in a highly available and scalable manner, while keeping all the traffic within the AWS network. Kinesis, Service Catalog, Amazon EC2, EC2 Systems Manager (SSM), and Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) APIs are now available to use inside your VPC, with support for more services coming soon such as Key Management Service (KMS) and Amazon Cloudwatch.

這樣就不用弄 proxy server 然後在上面管一堆 policy 了... (先不講自己搞 HA 的麻煩事,光是有些程式還得 patch 才能支援 proxy 就會想翻桌了 XD)

Route 53 的 Query 記錄

Amazon Route 53 可以收 query log 了,會丟到 CloudWatch Logs:「Amazon Route 53 Announces Support For DNS Query Logging」。

If you are using Amazon Route 53 as your public, authoritative DNS, you will now have the capability to easily log DNS queries received by Amazon Route 53 through integration with CloudWatch Logs.


AWS CloudWatch 推出秒級的記錄功能

AWS CloudWatch 推出了秒級的記錄功能:「New – High-Resolution Custom Metrics and Alarms for Amazon CloudWatch」。

從一分鐘變成一秒鐘讓之後的調整以及 debug 好用很多... 不過這次支援秒級的是 custom metrics,原先 AWS 自家服務的支援不在這次範圍:

Today we are adding support for high-resolution custom metrics, with plans to add support for AWS services over time. Your applications can now publish metrics to CloudWatch with 1-second resolution.

另外 alarm 的時間可以降到十秒:

You can watch the metrics scroll across your screen seconds after they are published and you can set up high-resolution CloudWatch Alarms that evaluate as frequently as every 10 seconds.

對於市場上一堆服務的衝擊應該不小 XD

用 Amazon Elasticsearch 看 VPC Flow Logs

在「How to Visualize and Refine Your Network’s Security by Adding Security Group IDs to Your VPC Flow Logs」這篇雖然是講特定功能,但還是把怎麼架設從頭到尾都講了一次...



玩 CloudWatch Logs

看到「Study Notes - CloudWatch」這篇後想到可以把 CloudWatch Logs 寫下來...

目前的玩法是參考「Quick Start: Install and Configure the CloudWatch Logs Agent on a Running EC2 Instance」這篇設定 IAM Role 的權限,然後安裝 agent,最後設定要丟什麼上去,其實這塊還蠻簡單的...

然後用 kennu/cwtail 這隻程式負責幫你跑出像 tail -f 的效果。像是 cwtail --profile=myaccount -e -f -s -t /var/log/syslog 這樣的用法 (參數的意義可以直接跑 cwtail 看到)。

不過他的 -n 好像不會動,跑下去都會從頭拉 XDDD

CloudWatch 的降價

更早之前就公告了,但剛剛才翻到:「AWS Price Reduction – CloudWatch Metrics」。

CloudWatch 從 2011 年這次的降幅算比較大的,最低的降幅都有 40%,而超過一萬個 metrics 的部分則是 80%,然後不同級距有不同降幅,最高到 96% (也就是原來的 4% 價錢)...

Amazon EC2 的 CloudWatch 用了七個 metrics,所以如果有開 CloudWatch 進階版本的情況下,價錢從 $3.50 降到 $2.10:

If you have EC2 Detailed Monitoring enabled you will also see a price reduction with per-month charges reduced from $3.50 per instance per month to $2.10 or lower based on the volume tier.


將 collectd 收集到的資料寫到 CloudWatch 裡

AWScollectd 推出的 plugin,可以將 collectd 收到的資料丟到 Amazon CloudWatch 裡:「New – CloudWatch Plugin for collectd」,GitHub 的連結在「A collectd plugin for sending data to Amazon CloudWatch」這邊。

丟上去以後就可以在 AWS 的 dashboard 上看了: