EC2 Auto Scaling 可以透過機械學習來預開機器了

Amazon EC2 的新功能,Auto Scaling 可以透過歷史資料分析預開機器了:「Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling customers can now monitor their predictive scaling policy using Amazon CloudWatch」。

這是吃 CloudWatch 的資料做的,在「Predictive scaling for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling」這份文件裡面有提到:

Predictive scaling uses machine learning to predict capacity requirements based on historical data from CloudWatch.

還是希望把 Auto Scaling 整合 Lambda 啦,這樣就是 turing machine 了...

Amazon CloudWatch 推出 RUM (Real-User Monitoring) 的功能

看到 AWSCloudWatch 推出 RUM (Real-User Monitoring) 的功能:「New – Real-User Monitoring for Amazon CloudWatch」。

從畫面截圖可以看到目前支援 javascript 的版本:


另外給了 client 端的一些情況:



價錢是每 1M events 是 US$10,感覺不算便宜?

CloudWatch RUM is available now and you can start using it today in ten AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Stockholm), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Asia Pacific (Singapore). You pay $1 for every 100K events that are collected.

功能上的競爭對手,可以想到 Datalog 有 RUM 產品,如果也是沒有 commit 的話是 US$0.65 (Per 1,000 sessions, per month)。

另外 New Relic 有 Browser Monitoring 的功能應該也是類似的東西,但價錢好像沒有單獨列出來。

Mixpanel 這邊 $25/month 的套餐可以吃 100K MTUs (monthly tracked users),每個 MTU 可以吃 1K events,好像也可以做到類似的功能,隔壁 Amplitude 的話沒列出來...


AWS 推出 CloudWatch Metric Streams

AWS 推出了 CloudWatch Metric Streams,把 CloudWatch Metric 的資料往 Kinesis Data Firehose 裡面丟:「CloudWatch Metric Streams – Send AWS Metrics to Partners and to Your Apps in Real Time」。

其中一個賣點是即時性比用 API 去拉好很多:

In order to make it easier for AWS Partners and others to gain access to CloudWatch metrics faster and at scale, we are launching CloudWatch Metric Streams. Instead of polling (which can result in 5 to 10 minutes of latency), metrics are delivered to a Kinesis Data Firehose stream.

格式上可以是 JSON 或是 Open Telemetry

When you set up a stream you choose between the binary Open Telemetry 0.7 format, and the human-readable JSON format.

另外一個賣點是價位,每千次 $0.003:

Pricing – You pay $0.003 for every 1000 metric updates, and for any charges associated with the Kinesis Data Firehose. To learn more, check out the pricing page.

另外算一下 Kinesis Data Firehose 的價錢,是以資料量的大小計費,不過最小計價單位是 5KB (一筆應該是不會到),單價是 $0.029/GB (us-east-1) 或是 $0.037/GB (ap-southeast-1),算了一下跟 CloudWatch Metrics Streams 比起來只是零頭...

之前如果要自己拉出來的話是透過 API call 抓,每 1000 次是 USD$0.01,這個方法相較起來便宜不少,不過數量多的時候還是一筆費用 (而且有不少 metrics 是一分鐘更新一次)。

如果只是要備份起來或是跑分析的話,也許先前用 API 拉的作法可能還是比較好?一個小時拉一次對於備份與分析應該都很夠了,而 alarm 的機制還是掛在 CloudWatch 上。

這次產品的定位看起來是要把 ecosystem 做起來:

We designed this feature with the goal of making it easier & more efficient for AWS Partners including Datadog, Dynatrace, New Relic, Splunk, and Sumo Logic to get access to metrics so that the partners can build even better tools.

把 AWS 的 Billing 資料接進 Grafana 上...

Twitter 上看到 Grafana 的帳號提到了一篇把 AWS Billing 資料接進 Grafana 上的文章:


AWS 在上個月推出的 CloudWatch Synthetics

AWS 在上個月推出的新功能,在 tab 上放的有點久:「New – Use CloudWatch Synthetics to Monitor Sites, API Endpoints, Web Workflows, and More」。

算是監控網站的服務,但不只是有沒有活著,而是包括整個網站 loading 的狀態。因為連 HAR 格式都支援了,所以可以抓很多特殊的時間點,從 screenshot 可以看出來:

價錢不算便宜,畢竟是要需要用瀏覽器抓出所有情境。如果以五分鐘跑一次來算,一個月就要 USD$10.3 左右的服務費用,另外還要加上 S3Lambda 的成本 (不過這兩個服務的費用應該就只是零頭了):

Pricing – As part of the AWS Free Tier you get 100 canary runs per month at no charge. After that, you pay per run, with prices starting at $0.0012 per run, plus the usual charges for S3 storage and Lambda invocations.

不過我記得類似的服務大概也都是這個等級的價錢,如果量夠大的話,我記得 HAR 的輸出有 open source solution 可以自己弄 EC2 instance 裝起來,應該會划算不少...

AWS 推出了 Anomaly Detection

AWS 這次在 CloudWatch 上推出了新功能,可以直接透過機器學習的演算法,對 CloudWatch 所記錄的值提供異常偵測 (anomaly detection) 的能力:「New – Amazon CloudWatch Anomaly Detection」,對應的文件則可以在「Using CloudWatch Anomaly Detection」這邊讀到。



Amazon Route 53 增加了即時的 Query 數量資訊

AWSRoute 53 增加了 Query 數量的資訊 (加到 CloudWatch 內):「Amazon Route 53 Now Publishes Query Volume Metrics for Public Hosted Zones」。

下午的時候連進去看沒看到,回家後想起來 Route 53 是全球性服務,切到 us-east-1 上就看到了...

算是很基本的功能,這樣可以很方便的看一下使用情況,然後就可以透過這些資料調整 TTL,有些為了要快速切換的可以設短一點,有些不太變動但 query 量很大的則是要設長一點...

EC2 的 Dedicated Instance 也支援 Auto Recovery 了...

所以除了一般的 EC2 instance 可以設定 Auto Recovery 外,實體機的 Dedicated Instance 也可以設定了:「Amazon EC2 Auto Recovery is now available for Dedicated Instances」。

不過能用架構做 High Availability 還是用架構做會比較好 (像是透過 ELB 擋在前面提供服務),Auto Recovery 因為是透過 CloudWatch 偵測 (目前最短的偵測時間應該是 10 秒一次),再加上要等新機器接手,還是會有明顯的 downtime。

MySQL 版本的 Amazon Aurora 會將各種記錄丟到 CloudWatch Logs 了...

剛好今天才被問是不是可以在 Amazon Aurora (MySQL-Compatible Edition) 裡面翻出有哪些 Slow Query,剛好想到這幾天發表了這個功能:「Amazon Aurora Publishes General, Slow Query and Error Logs to Amazon CloudWatch」。

You can now configure the MySQL-compatible edition of Amazon Aurora to publish general logs, slow query logs, and error logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Previously, you could only publish audit logs.

看起來是要另外開 (畢竟 CloudWatch Logs 不是免費的 XD),不過以這類型的 log 產生速度與數量來說應該還行...

Amazon CloudWatch Logs 換 SSL Certificate 的 CA

收到標題是「Upcoming Changes to SSL Certificates in Amazon CloudWatch Logs」的信件,說明 Amazon CloudWatch Logs 要換 SSL Certificate 的 CA,看起來是要換成自家的:

We will be updating the certificate authority (CA) for the certificates used by Amazon CloudWatch Logs domain(s), between 8 January 2018 and 22 January 2018. After the updates complete, the SSL/TLS certificates used by Amazon CloudWatch Logs will be issued by Amazon Trust Services (ATS), the same certificate authority (CA) used by AWS Certificate Manager.

然後有提到 cross-sign 的部份,有透過 Starfield 的 Root CA 簽,所以只要下面有任何一個有在 Root CA store 裡面就應該會信任:

The update means that customers accessing AWS webpages via HTTPS (for example, the Amazon CloudWatch Console, customer portal, or homepage) or accessing Amazon CloudWatch Logs API endpoints, whether through browsers or programmatically, will need to update the trusted CA list on their client machines if they do not already support any of the following CAs:
- "Amazon Root CA 1"
- "Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority - G2"
- "Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority"

另外條列出有哪些 API endpoint 會改變:

This upgrade notice covers the following endpoints:


* Operating Systems With ATS Support
- Microsoft Windows versions that have January 2005 or later updates installed, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and newer versions
- Mac OS X 10.4 with Java for Mac OS X 10.4 Release 5, Mac OS X 10.5 and newer versions
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (March 2007), Linux 6, and Linux 7 and CentOS 5, CentOS 6, and CentOS 7
- Ubuntu 8.10
- Debian 5.0
- Amazon Linux (all versions)
- Java 1.4.2_12, Java 5 update 2, and all newer versions, including Java 6, Java 7, and Java 8

不過沒看到 Windows XP 耶,不知道是怎樣 XD