Amazon Kinesis Firehole 可以先轉換再進 S3 了...

前陣子 Amazon Kinesis Firehole 推出來的新功能,可以轉完後再寫進 Amazon S3 (或是其他地方):「Amazon Kinesis Firehose can now prepare and transform streaming data before loading it to data stores」。

文件是「Amazon Kinesis Firehose Data Transformation」這份,開頭有說明是透過 Lambda 做到的:

When you enable Firehose data transformation, Firehose buffers incoming data up to 3 MB or the buffering size you specified for the delivery stream, whichever is smaller. Firehose then invokes the specified Lambda function with each buffered batch asynchronously. The transformed data is sent from Lambda to Firehose for buffering. Transformed data is delivered to the destination when the specified buffering size or buffering interval is reached, whichever happens first.

而文件下方可以看到有些現成寫好的 Lambda 可以用,而且是還蠻常見的 case,像是 apache log 的處理,或是 syslog 的處理:

Lambda Blueprints

Firehose provides the following Lambda blueprints that you can use to create a Lambda function for data transformation.

General Firehose Processing — Contains the data transformation and status model described in the previous section. Use this blueprint for any custom transformation logic.

  • Apache Log to JSON — Parses and converts Apache log lines to JSON objects, using predefined JSON field names.
  • Apache Log to CSV — Parses and converts Apache log lines to CSV format.
  • Syslog to JSON — Parses and converts Syslog lines to JSON objects, using predefined JSON field names.
  • Syslog to CSV — Parses and converts Syslog lines to CSV format.

這樣配合 Amazon Athena 就是一包 serverless 架構了...

Amazon Echo 會保留錄音的音頻

在「Police seek Amazon Echo data in murder case (updated)」這邊看到 Amazon Echo 的隱私問題,起因自警方要求要取得 Amazon Echo 的錄音內容。

Amazon Echo 會錄下所有喊出「Alexa」後的句子,並且傳到 cloud 上持續保留:

[,] Echo only captures audio and streams it to the cloud when the device hears the wake word "Alexa." A ring on the top of the device turns blue to give a visual indication that audio is being recorded. Those clips, or "utterances" as the company calls them, are stored in the cloud until a customer deletes them either individually or all at once.

這樣感覺不太好 :o

AWS 英國區開放使用

如同先前規劃的時程,AWS 的英國區正式開放 (代碼 eu-west-2):「Now Open – AWS London Region」。

這樣歐洲也有三個區可以用了 (另外兩個是法國與愛爾蘭),不過如果要進歐洲東部低區的話,不知道要挑哪一個點比較好...

AWS 的稽核報告服務:AWS Artifact

以往要取得 AWS 的稽核報告都必須簽署 NDA 並透過 support ticket 取得 (或是找窗口拿),現在 AWS 把這件事情做成一個服務:「Introducing AWS Artifact: Speeding Access to Compliance Reports」。

服務叫做 AWS Artifact,還是要簽保密協議,不過電子化了:

You can start downloading the audit reports in the AWS Management Console today. Many of the documents are confidential and require you to accept Amazon’s confidentiality terms and conditions, but after you review and agree to those terms, you will be granted instant access to review documents.


To document the current and historical compliance of the AWS infrastructure and services, many AWS customers provide compliance reports—including those for ISO, SOC, and PCI—to their auditors or regulators.

AWS 加拿大機房

AWS 加拿大機房,代碼 ca-central-1:「Now Open AWS Canada (Central) Region」。

這麼大的消息沒有在 re:Invent 一起上線有點怪,是趕不及嗎?還是因為川普當選所以趕快提供?(逃)


在 AWS 上跑 Consul 與 Vault 的介紹

HashiCorp 這邊看到在 AWS 上跑 ConsulVault 的介紹文章:「Consul and Vault on AWS: Quick Start Guides」。

Consul 負責 service discovery 與 health check (還有簡單的 key-value 功能);Vault 則負責管理各種 secret (像是資料庫的帳號密碼之類的資訊)。

這些資料分別可以在「HashiCorp Consul on AWS」與「HashiCorp Vault on AWS」看到,打開 PDF 後可以發現是 AWS 與 HashiCorp 的人合作生出來的文件,要在上面實作的人可以看一看,應該是可以少走冤枉路...

CloudWatch 的降價

更早之前就公告了,但剛剛才翻到:「AWS Price Reduction – CloudWatch Metrics」。

CloudWatch 從 2011 年這次的降幅算比較大的,最低的降幅都有 40%,而超過一萬個 metrics 的部分則是 80%,然後不同級距有不同降幅,最高到 96% (也就是原來的 4% 價錢)...

Amazon EC2 的 CloudWatch 用了七個 metrics,所以如果有開 CloudWatch 進階版本的情況下,價錢從 $3.50 降到 $2.10:

If you have EC2 Detailed Monitoring enabled you will also see a price reduction with per-month charges reduced from $3.50 per instance per month to $2.10 or lower based on the volume tier.


VPC 環境下的 EC2 支援 IPv6

AWS 總算是把 EC2 推上 IPv6 了:「New – IPv6 Support for EC2 Instances in Virtual Private Clouds」。

不過只有在 US East (Ohio) (us-east-2) 有,而且 m3.*g2.* 目前都還不支援:

IPv6 support for EC2 is now available in the US East (Ohio) Region and you can start using it today at no extra charge. It works with all current-generation EC2 instance types with the exception of M3 and G2, and will be supported on upcoming instance types as well.

看得到吃不到 XDDD

Amazon Pinpoint:對 Amazon Mobile 得到的資料設定條件發推播

這次 AWSAmazon Mobile 收到的資料定義條件發出推播:「Amazon Pinpoint – Hit your Targets with AWS」。

功能是陽春了一些 (其他競爭對手應該還可以發 mail 之類的),但以 AWS 的名字放出來,等於又殺了一票市場上還沒爬起來的競爭對手...

在 CloudFront 的 edge 上跑 Lambda

所以 Amazon CloudFront 讓使用者在 edge 上跑程式了 (雖然目前是 limited preview):「Lambda@Edge – Preview」。

分成 Viewer Request、Origin Request、Origin Response 以及 Viewer Response 四個階段可以插入修改。另外有些限制:

Because your JavaScript code will be part of the request/response path, it must be lean, mean, and self-contained. It cannot make calls to other web services and it cannot access other AWS resources. It must run within 128 MB of memory, and complete within 50 ms.

要在 128MB 內搞定,而且不能呼叫其他資源。不過這樣已經可以做很多事了... 基本上就是一台 turing machine 了 :o