Amazon API Gateway 支援壓縮了...

Amazon API Gateway 支援壓縮了:「Amazon API Gateway Supports Content Encoding for API Responses」。

You can now enable content encoding support for API Responses in Amazon API Gateway. Content encoding allows API clients to request content to be compressed before being sent back in the response to an API request. This reduces the amount of data that is sent from API Gateway to API clients and decreases the time it takes to transfer the data. You can enable content encoding in the API definition. You can also set the minimum response size that triggers compression. By default, APIs do not have content encoding support enabled.

打開後傳回的資料就會自動壓縮了,然後還可以設定觸發的 response size... 依照文件 (Content Codings Supported by API Gateway),目前支援的壓縮格式應該是最常見的 gzipdeflate

這功能好像是一開始有 API Gateway 就一直被提出來的 feature request...

Amazon Elasticsearch 支援 I3 instance (i.e. 1.5 PB Disk) 了

Amazon Elasticsearch 支援 I3 instance 了:「Run Petabyte-Scale Clusters on Amazon Elasticsearch Service Using I3 instances」。

Amazon Elasticsearch Service now supports I3 instances, allowing you to store up to 1.5 petabytes of data in a single Elasticsearch cluster for large log analytics workloads.

i3.16xlarge 單台是 15.2 TB 的硬碟空間,100 台就會是 1.5 PB,不知道跑起來會多慢 XDDD

Amazon Elasticsearch Service – Amazon Web Services (AWS) | FAQs 這邊還沒修正 XD:

You can request a service limit increase up to 100 instances per domain by creating a case with the AWS Support Center. With 100 instances, you can allocate about 150 TB of EBS storage to a single domain.

AWS 巴黎區開放

AWS 在巴黎的 region 開放了:「Now Open AWS EU (Paris) Region」。

Today we are launching our 18th AWS Region, our fourth in Europe. Located in the Paris area, AWS customers can use this Region to better serve customers in and around France.


  • Ireland (愛爾蘭)
  • Frankfurt (德國)
  • London (英國)
  • Paris (法國)

香港區什麼時候要開呢... o_o (參考「In the Works – AWS Region in Hong Kong」)

Amazon Aurora (MySQL) 的 Stored Procedure 可以跑 AWS Lambda...

查了資料才發現去年十月 Amazon Aurora (MySQL-Compatible Edition) 就支援用 AWS Lambda 當 stored procedure 了,只是當時只支援 async mode,能做的事情比較有限:「Amazon Aurora New Features: AWS Lambda Integration and Data Load from Amazon S3 to Aurora Tables」。

Now you can invoke Lambda functions directly from within an Aurora database via stored procedures or user-defined functions. Lambda integration allows you to extend the capabilities of the database and invoke external applications to act upon data changes. For example, you can create a Lambda function that sends emails to customers whenever their address in the database is updated.

前幾天發表的則是支援 sync mode,可以等到:「Amazon Aurora with MySQL Compatibility Natively Supports Synchronous Invocation of AWS Lambda Functions」。

Starting with version 1.16, we are extending this feature to be able to able to synchronously invoke Lambda functions.

Use the native function lambda_sync when you must know the result of the execution before moving on to another action.

這解掉了 MySQL 的 stored procedure 一直很殘的問題...

AWS 推出第二代的官方 Linux AMI:Amazon Linux 2

AWS 推出了第二代的官方 Linux AMI:「Introducing Amazon Linux 2」。這個版本提供五年 LTS 維護:

Amazon Linux 2 will offer extended availability of software updates for the core operating system through 5 years of long-term support and provides access to the latest software packages through the Amazon Linux Extras repository.


Amazon Linux 2 provides a modern execution environment with LTS Kernel (4.9) tuned for optimal performance on Amazon Web Services (AWS), systemd support, and newer tooling (gcc 7.2.1, glibc 2.25, binutils 2.27).

不過對 YUM-based 的系統不是很愛,應該還是會繼續龜在 Ubuntu 下...

AWS CodeBuild 也可以產生 Badge 給網頁用 (像是掛在 GitHub 的 README 裡)

在「Build Badges Sample with AWS CodeBuild」這邊看到 AWS CodeBuild 支援 Badge 的方法。最常用的 GitHub 是給 AWS CodeBuild 授權後取得:

If you chose GitHub, follow the instructions to connect (or reconnect) with GitHub. On the GitHub Authorize application page, for Organization access, choose Request access next to each repository you want AWS CodeBuild to be able to access. After you choose Authorize application, back in the AWS CodeBuild console, for Repository, choose the name of the repository that contains the source code. Select the Build Badge check box to make your project's build status visible and embeddable.


  • PASSING The most recent build on the given branch passed.
  • FAILING The most recent build on the given branch timed out, failed, faulted, or was stopped.
  • IN_PROGRESS The most recent build on the given branch is in progress.
  • UNKNOWN The project has not yet run a build for the given branch or at all. Also, the build badges feature might
    have been disabled.

不過我還是偏愛 3rd party 的組合,不是很愛用 AWS CodeXXX 系列的服務就是了... 唯一一個用的是 AWS CodeCommit 因為有永久的免費額度可以用。

AWS 的 Ningxia Region (寧夏) 開張

AWS 在寧夏的 Region 開張了:「Now Open – AWS China (Ningxia) Region」。一樣是走託管方式:

The AWS China (Ningxia) Region, operated by Ningxia Western Cloud Data Technology Co. Ltd. (NWCD), is generally available now and provides customers another option to run applications and store data on AWS in China.

代碼是 cn-northwest-1 (北京是 cn-north-1),都是使用 網域。與北京區一樣都需要另外申請 AWS China 的帳號才能使用:

Customers already using the AWS China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet, can select the AWS China (Ningxia) Region directly from the AWS Management Console, while new customers can request an account at to begin using both AWS China Regions.

不過在 AWS Regions and Endpoints 表上,寧夏區 (cn-northwest-1) 跟全球是放在一起的,但北京區 (cn-north-1) 是拆開的:


Amazon Aurora 的 MySQL-Compatible Edition 開始提供相容於 MySQL 5.7 的服務

Amazon AuroraMySQL-Compatible Edition 開始支援相容 MySQL 5.7 的服務:「Announcing Preview of Amazon Aurora with MySQL 5.7 Compatibility」。

Amazon Aurora with MySQL 5.7 compatibility offers enhancements such as JSON support, spatial indexes, generated columns and performance improvement of 5x over MySQL 5.7, and up to 10x for spatial datasets.

雖然目前還在 Preview (需要申請才能用),而且開放區域有限,但總算是有消息了:

The preview is currently available in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), and Canada (Montreal).

會一定要 5.7 的,主要的需求應該是在 spatial index 上吧... JSON 反倒還好。

Amazon CloudWatch 支援縮放與拖拉調整時間區間

Amazon CloudWatch 的操作上支援 Zoom 與 Pan 了:「Amazon CloudWatch now supports two new chart visualization options in metrics and dashboards」。

Zoom 是改變時間的粒度:

You can use the CloudWatch console to graph metric data generated by AWS services and your applications. Now, you can zoom into a shorter time period such as one minute or five minutes while viewing the metric graph at a longer interval.

Pan 則是維持一樣的粒度,但改變開始與結束的時間:

Once zoomed, you can also pan the metric graph across your selected interval, but at a zoomed detail level.


Amazon ECS 與 AWS Fargate 都納入 Amazon Compute SLA 計算

AWS 宣佈的這兩個服務 (Amazon ECSAWS Fargate) 都納入 99.99% 的 SLA 合約範圍:「Amazon Compute Service Level Agreement Extended to Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate」。

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and AWS Fargate are now included in the Amazon Compute Service Level Agreement (SLA) for 99.99% uptime and availability.

ECS 已經跑一陣子了可以理解,但 Fargate 的概念算比較新,剛出來沒多久就決定放進去比較意外...