Google 與 Facebook 都在建立消息驗證系統

Google 的在「Fact Check now available in Google Search and News around the world」這,Facebook 的在「Working to Stop Misinformation and False News」這。

Google 是針對搜尋與新聞的部份給出建議,透過第三方的網站確認,像是這樣:


For publishers to be included in this feature, they must be using the ClaimReview markup on the specific pages where they fact check public statements (documentation here), or they can use the Share the Facts widget developed by the Duke University Reporters Lab and Jigsaw.


Only publishers that are algorithmically determined to be an authoritative source of information will qualify for inclusion.

而 Facebook 是針對 Timeline 上的新聞判斷,但是是透過與 Facebook 合作的 partner 判斷,而且會針對判斷為假的消息降低出現的機率:

We’ve started a program to work with independent third-party fact-checking organizations. We’ll use the reports from our community, along with other signals, to send stories to these organizations. If the fact-checking organizations identify a story as false, it will get flagged as disputed and there will be a link to a corresponding article explaining why. Stories that have been disputed also appear lower in News Feed.

我不是很喜歡 Facebook 的方法,變相的在控制言論自由 (不過也不是第一天了)。