
在「Thousands of apps running Baidu code collect, leak personal data - research」這篇裡,加拿大的研究團隊 Citizen Lab 發現百度的 Android SDK 使用非加密傳輸這些個資:

The unencrypted information that has been collected includes a user's location, search terms and website visits, JeffreyKnockel, chief researcher at Citizen Lab, told Reuters ahead of publication of the research on Wednesday.


[,] and Baidu told Reuters it would be fixing the encryption holes in its kits, but would still collect data for commercial use, some of which it said it shares with third parties.

霸氣!不愧是百度!即使被抓到後還是要蒐集 XDDD

Google 計畫關閉在俄羅斯的 Engineering Office

路透社丟出來的新聞:「Google to close engineering office in Russia: WSJ」。

新通過的法案要求俄羅斯人的資料必須存放在俄羅斯境內,這個法案被懷疑是 Google 打算直接關閉俄羅斯的 Engineering Office 的原因:

In July, Russia's parliament passed a law to force Internet sites that store the personal data of Russian citizens to do so inside the country, a move the Kremlin says is for data protection but which critics see as an attack on social networks.
