用繪本 (?!!!) 解釋 Apache Kafka

Hacker News 上看到「I wrote a children's book / illustrated guide to Apache Kafka (gentlydownthe.stream)」這篇,用繪本的方式解釋 Apache Kafka 的運作方式:「Gently Down the Stream」,非常值得一看。

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這繪本還帶有一些動畫效果,而且把需要提到的東西都有帶出來 (像是 Kafka Connector 都有提到),不過雖然作者目標群是小朋友,看起來大人還比較興奮?


禁止這類變相的羞辱行為:「New Mexico Outlaws School ‘Lunch Shaming’」。

In some schools, children are forced to clean cafeteria tables in front of their peers to pay the debt. Other schools require cafeteria workers to take a child’s hot food and throw it in the trash if he doesn’t have the money to pay for it.


On Thursday, Gov. Susana Martinez signed the Hunger-Free Students’ Bill of Rights, which directs schools to work with parents to pay their debts or sign up for federal meal assistance and puts an end to practices meant to embarrass children. It applies to public, private and religious schools that receive federal subsidies for students’ breakfasts and lunches.