這次 OpenSSL 的兩個 CVE

難得在 Hacker News 首頁上看到 OpenSSLCVE:「OpenSSL Security Advisory [5 July 2022]」,相關的討論在「OpenSSL Security Advisory (openssl.org)」。

第一個 CVE 是 RCE 等級,但觸發條件有點多:

首先是 RSA 2048bits,這個條件應該算容易發生的。

第二個是,因為這個安全問題是因為 OpenSSL 3.0.4 才引入的程式碼,而 OpenSSL 3.0.4 是 2022/06/21 發表的,未必有很多人有升級。

第三個是,因為這次出包的段落是用到了 AVX-512 指令集,一定要 Intel 或是 Centaur 的 CPU,後面這家公司前身就是威盛 (VIA) 的一員,去年賣給了 Intel (然後發現連官網用的 domain 都沒續約...)。

AMD 雖然在 Zen 4 架構上支援 AVX-512,但還沒推出產品,所以直接閃避 XD

另外第三個還有額外的限制,因為這次用到的是 IFMA 指令集,所以也不是所有有支援 AVX-512 的 CPU 都會中獎:

只看 Intel 的部份,第一個支援 IFMA 的是 2018 年推出的 Cannon Lake,這個架構只有一顆行動版的 Intel® Core™ i3-8121U Processor

真正大量支援 IFMA 的是 2019 後的 Intel CPU 了,但到了去年推出的 Alder Lake 因為 E-core 不支援 AVX-512 的關係 (但 P-core 支援),預設又關掉了。

所以如果問這個 bug 嚴不嚴重,當然是很嚴重,但影響範圍就有點微妙了。

接下來講第二個 CVE,是 AES OCB 的實做問題,比較有趣的地方是 Hacker News 上的討論引出了 Mosh 的作者跳出來說明,他居然提到他們在二月的時候試著換到 OpenSSL 的 AES OCB 時有測出這個 bug,被 test case 擋下來了:

Mosh uses AES-OCB (and has since 2011), and we found this bug when we tried to switch over to the OpenSSL implementation (away from our own ocb.cc taken from the original authors) and Launchpad ran it through our CI testsuite as part of the Mosh dev PPA build for i686 Ubuntu. (It wasn't caught by GitHub Actions because it only happens on 32-bit x86.) https://github.com/mobile-shell/mosh/issues/1174 for more.

So I would say (a) OCB is widely used, at least by the ~million Mosh users on various platforms, and (b) this episode somewhat reinforces my (perhaps overweight already) paranoia about depending on other people's code or the blast radius of even well-meaning pull requests. (We really wanted to switch over to the OpenSSL implementation rather than shipping our own, in part because ours was depending on some OpenSSL AES primitives that OpenSSL recently deprecated for external users.)

Maybe one lesson here is that many people believe in the benefits of unit tests for their own code, but we're not as thorough or experienced in writing acceptance tests for our dependencies.

Mosh got lucky this time that we had pretty good tests that exercised the library enough to find this bug, and we run them as part of the package build, but it's not that farfetched to imagine that we might have users on a platform that we don't build a package for (and therefore don't run our testsuite on).

這有點有趣 XDDD