AWS 計畫把先前設計的 VPC Endpoint 都併到 AWS PrivateLink 裡,統一管理:「New – AWS PrivateLink for AWS Services: Kinesis, Service Catalog, EC2 Systems Manager, Amazon EC2 APIs, and ELB APIs in your VPC」。
Today we are announcing AWS PrivateLink, the newest generation of VPC Endpoints which is designed for customers to access AWS services in a highly available and scalable manner, while keeping all the traffic within the AWS network. Kinesis, Service Catalog, Amazon EC2, EC2 Systems Manager (SSM), and Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) APIs are now available to use inside your VPC, with support for more services coming soon such as Key Management Service (KMS) and Amazon Cloudwatch.
這樣就不用弄 proxy server 然後在上面管一堆 policy 了... (先不講自己搞 HA 的麻煩事,光是有些程式還得 patch 才能支援 proxy 就會想翻桌了 XD)