
Hacker News 上看到「I wrote a program that sends cats to my phone when I'm sad at the computer (healeycodes.com)」這個東西,居然是用 cam 判斷,當判斷心情不好的時候就推播貓貓的圖片,像是這樣:

除了 machine learning 的部份快,這邊還用到了幾個服務,像是 PushoverThe Cat API (居然有這種服務 XDDD)...

馬上想到前陣子看的 Don't Look Up (千萬別抬頭),裡面好像也有類似的產品 XDDD

貓叫聲的 Dataset

Hacker News Daily 上看到「CatMeows: A Publicly-Available Dataset of Cat Vocalizations」這個,貓叫聲的 dataset... 對應的討論在「CatMeows: A Publicly-Available Dataset of Cat Vocalizations (2020) (zenodo.org)」這邊。

包括了三種聲音 XDDD

  1. Brushing - Cats were brushed by their owners in their home environment for a maximum of 5 minutes;
  2. Isolation in an unfamiliar environment - Cats were transferred by their owners into an unfamiliar environment (e.g., a room in a different apartment or an office). Distance was minimized and the usual transportation routine was adopted so as to avoid discomfort to animals. The journey lasted less than 30 minutes and cats were allowed 30 minutes with their owners to recover from transportation, before being isolated in the unfamiliar environment, where they stayed alone for maximum 5 minutes;
  3. Waiting for food - The owner started the routine operations that preceded food delivery in the usual environment the cat was familiar with. Food was given at most 5 minutes after the beginning of the experiment.

嚕貓,焦慮與等待餵食?好像是可以想到這組 dataset 的用途...


{placekitten} 這個站提供 API 產生圖片,讓你在規劃版面的時候會比較方便:

Like this: http://placekitten.com/200/300
or: http://placekitten.com/g/200/300


測了幾次,那個 g 應該是指灰階?記得之前有個站是產生純數字的 block image,有誰記得嗎?