Amazon EC2 推出 c6a 的機器

Amazon EC2 以新的 AMD 架構 (雖然也推出一陣子了) 的機器推出 c 系列的機種,代號為 c6a:「New – Amazon EC2 C6a Instances Powered By 3rd Gen AMD EPYC Processors for Compute-Intensive Workloads」。

價位上與 c5a 相比便宜一點點,是真的一點點:在 us-east-1c5a.24xlarge 是 US$3.696/hr,而 c6a.24xlarge 是 US$3.672,差 0.65% 左右... (千分之六點五 XD)

所以宣稱的 15% 基本上都是從 CPU 效能提昇貢獻的:

Up to 15 percent improvement in compute price performance.

然後機器可以提供的範圍比較大台,c5a 最大到 c5a.24xlarge,而 c6a 支援了 c6a.32xlargec6a.48xlarge


C6a instances are available today in three AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and EU (Ireland). As usual with EC2, you pay for what you use. For more information, see the EC2 pricing page.

另外這次推出後,EC2 的機種超過 500 種了,主要是靠排列組合弄出來的:

PS – With the launch of C6a instances there are now officially more than 500 Amazon EC2 instances for customers to choose from!