Amazon 西雅圖辦公室拿隔壁棟 Data Center 的廢熱當空調

Amazon 的其中一個辦公室拿隔壁 data center 的廢熱借來當自己辦公室的空調:「Amazon to use data centre waste heat to warm corporate offices」,原始報導在「The super-efficient heat source hidden below Amazon's Seattle headquarters」。除了嘗試省電省成本以外,對企業形象也比較好...

隔壁 Westin Building Exchange 的地址是「2001 6th Ave #300, Seattle, WA 98121」,辦公室則是在「2040 6th Ave, Seattle, WA 98121」,無論是從地址上看,或是 Google Maps 上可以看,都可以看出來兩棟就在旁邊而已,拉管線就簡單很多了。

預定二十五年省 80M 度電,所以一年大約是 3.2M 度,以「Seattle, WA Electricity Rates | Electricity Local」這邊給的數字來算,商業用店每度是 USD$0.068,每年大約省下 USD$217,600 (所以每年大約可以省下台幣六百萬),以 3800 人的辦公室來說其實有點微妙,不過以 PR 的角度還看其實就很划算了 XDDD:

It is expected, over the course of 25 years, to save approximately 80 million kWh of electricity use by Amazon.



舊金山通過在 2017 年之後的建築物必須有 15% 的屋頂面積必須是太陽能相關的設備:「San Francisco Is Requiring Solar Panels on All New Buildings」:

The ordinance, passed unanimously by the city’s Board of Supervisors, extends an existing California law which requires 15 percent of roof space on new buildings to be “solar ready” — available and unshaded. That ordinance applies to residential or commercial buildings 10 stories or shorter.


Under the new ordinance, which will go into effect in 2017, new buildings need to have solar energy of some kind installed, either electricity-generating panels or solar heating units.

希望在 2020 年達到 100% 再生能源的目標:

San Francisco took a major step toward its own goal of meeting the city’s electricity demands with 100 percent renewable energy by 2020.


This week, San Francisco became the first major U.S. city to require all new buildings to have solar panels on their roofs, according to Scott Wiener, the city supervisor who introduced the bill.

Internet Archive 建築物發生火災...

在「Internet Archive's San Francisco Home Badly Damaged By Fire」看到 Internet Archive 發生火災,官方也有公告出來了:「Fire Update: Lost Many Cameras, 20 Boxes, and No People」。

沒有人受傷,服務也都正常。發生火災的地點並不是辦公室,而是掃描中心 (scanning center),依照敘述,應該是將類比資料 (紙本、相簿之類的) 掃成電子格式的場所。