英國通過法案要求 ISP 記錄使用者觀看過的網站

英國前幾天通過了最激烈的隱私侵犯法案,要求 ISP 必須記錄使用者觀看過的網站:「Britain has passed the 'most extreme surveillance law ever passed in a democracy'」:

The law forces UK internet providers to store browsing histories -- including domains visited -- for one year, in case of police investigations.

不愧是 George Orwell 生前的國家,居然先實現了他的理想國... 接下來 Let's EncryptTor 的重要性就更高了。

MasterCard 在英國被告收取過高的手續費

在「Mastercard sued for $19 billion in Britain's biggest damages claim」這邊看到的幾個重點,第一個是歐盟對國際手續費 1% 的限制:(雖然 Brexit...)

A lawyer working on the case said Mastercard charged shops fees in excess of 1 percent for card use on international transactions between 1992 and 2008.Although the EU's anti-trust regulator only ruled Mastercard's international fees were illegal, this impacted British consumers as it was the default fee used in Britain.


Two years ago, the European Union capped the fees retailers pay at 0.2 percent for debit cards and 0.3 percent for credit cards.

唔... (回頭看台灣的帳單)

英國將 10Mbps 上網訂為法定權利

在「UK govt to make 10 Mbps broadband a legal right」這邊看到英國政府打算更新法案,逐步將 10Mbps 上網速度訂為法定權利。

目前法定權利是 28.8Kbps 的撥接速度:

Currently, the minimum USO for data access in Britain is just 28.8 Kbps, or dial-up speeds.

打算在今年年底拉高為 2Mbps,並且在 2020 年拉高為 10Mbps:

Under the proposal, the minimum speed specified by the USO will be raised to 2 Mbps by the end of the year, before further increasing to 10 Mbps by 2020.

英國首相 David Cameron 公開說明,internet 應該被認定為基本權利:

"Access to the internet shouldn’t be a luxury; it should be a right – absolutely fundamental to life in 21st century Britain," Cameron said.