Linus 狂幹 Intel 的 AVX-512

這幾天蠻熱鬧的消息,Linus 幹翻 Intel 丟出來的 AVX-512:「Alder Lake and AVX-512」。

在維基百科的「Advanced Vector Extensions」這邊有提到,因為 AVX-512 執行時會消耗產生更多的熱量,所以得壓低 Turbo Boost 執行:

Since AVX instructions are wider and generate more heat, Intel processors have provisions to reduce the Turbo Boost frequency limit when such instructions are being executed. The throttling is divided into three levels:

  • L0 (100%): The normal turbo boost limit.
  • L1 (~85%): The "AVX boost" limit. Soft-triggered by 256-bit "heavy" (floating-point unit: FP math and integer multiplication) instructions. Hard-triggered by "light" (all other) 512-bit instructions.
  • L2 (~60%): The "AVX-512 boost" limit. Soft-triggered by 512-bit heavy instructions.

本來 AVX 與 AVX-2 只會在某些重量級的指令時會壓 15%,現在在 AVX-512 則是變成常態,而且有些會降到 40%,對於同時在跑的應用會受到很大的影響,所以 Linus 也直接放話要用他的權限擋這件事情 (我把動詞讀錯了):

I want my power limits to be reached with regular integer code, not with some AVX512 power virus that takes away top frequency (because people ended up using it for memcpy!) and takes away cores (because those useless garbage units take up space).

在後面的討論串「Alder Lake and AVX-512」這邊 Linus 有提到更細,像是他對於 MMX/SSE/AVX/AVX2 的想法,以及為什麼他這麼厭惡 AVX-512。

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