2018 年矽谷科技公司的薪資

不太意外的,排名起來加州這一區的科技公司的薪資還是最高的 (這邊包括了所有的所得,包括薪資、股票與分紅):「Top Paying Tech Companies of 2018」。

已經先整理出來的前五名分成「Entry-level / 1+ Yrs of Experience」、「Mid-level / 3+ Yrs of Experience」、「Been Around the Block / 5+ Yrs of Experience」三類,可以看到相對於年資的增加,薪資的調整也很快...


英國計畫在 2018 年開始強制企業公佈男女的平均薪資及 Bonus

英國計畫從 2018 年開始,超過 250 人的公司必須公佈男女的平均薪資及 Bonus:「Companies will be forced to reveal their gender pay gap」:

The new rules, revealed on Friday, will apply to all companies with more than 250 employees.

除了平均薪資以及 bonus 外,還必須公開每個區間的人數:

In addition to publishing their average gender pay and bonus gap, around 8,000 employers across the country will also have to publish the number of men and women in each pay range.


The government is hoping that naming and shaming firms that pay women a lot less than men in the same jobs will push them to stop the practice, because it will make it harder for them to attract top talent.



In the U.S., similar plans are also under discussions. President Obama announced a proposal earlier this month that would require companies with more than 100 employees to report how much they are paying their employees by race, ethnicity and gender.