最新的攻擊算是實戰類的攻擊,理論基礎以前都已經知道了,只是沒有人實際「完成」。算是近期少數直接對演算法的攻擊,而這些演算法剛好還是被用在 TLS 與 OpenVPN 上,所以嚴重性比較高:「SWEET32: Birthday attacks on 64-bit block ciphers in TLS and OpenVPN」。
攻擊的條件是 block cipher 的 block size,而非 key length,所以就算是 256 bits 的 Blowfish 也一樣也受到影響。
這次順利打下 Blowfish 與 3DES。這兩個 cipher 的 block size 都是 64 bits,所以對於 birthday attack 來說只要 232 就可以搞定:
This problem is well-known by cryptographers, who always require keys to be changed well before 2n/2 blocks. However it is often minimized by practitioners because the attacks require known plaintext, and reveal only little information. Indeed, standard bodies only recommend to change the key just before 2n/2 blocks, and many implementations don't enforce any limit on the use of a key.
在 OpenVPN 打 Blowfish 的部份 (Blowfish 是 OpenVPN 預設的 cipher):
In our demo, it took 18.6 hours and 705 GB, and we successfully recovered the 16-byte authentication token.
以及 HTTPS 打 3DES 的部份 (為了相容性問題):
Experimentally, we have recovered a two-block cookie from an HTTPS trace of only 610 GB, captured in 30.5 hours.
都是有可能的等級。也該來拔掉對 IE8 的支援了... orz