Google 停用了大量與中國與俄羅斯相關的帳號

在「Google Takes Down Influence Campaigns Tied to China, Indonesia, and Russia」這邊看到的,Google 的說明則是在「TAG Bulletin: Q2 2024」這邊,看起來像是例行性的更新?

與台灣有關的當然就是跟中國相關的影響,也是被停最多帳號的,在報告的最後提到 YouTubeBlogger 上面有掃到上千個與中國政府相關的宣傳帳號:

We terminated 1,320 YouTube channels and 1,177 Blogger blogs as part of our ongoing investigation into coordinated influence operations linked to the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The coordinated inauthentic network uploaded content in Chinese and English about China and U.S. foreign affairs. These findings are consistent with our previous reports.


We terminated 378 YouTube channels as part of our investigation into coordinated influence operations linked to Russia. The campaign was linked to a Russian consulting firm and was sharing content in Russian that was supportive of Russia and critical of Ukraine and the West.


Blogger (Blogspot) 全面提供 HTTPS 版本

Google 主動啟用了 HTTPS 版本:「Bringing HTTPS to all blogspot domain blogs」,預設會將 HTTPS 開起來:

As part of this launch, we're removing the HTTPS Availability setting. Even if you did not previously turn on this setting, your blogs will have an HTTPS version enabled.

另外提供 HTTPS Redirect 的選項,可以將訪客自動轉到 HTTPS 上:

custom domain 的部份不知道會怎麼提供...

Google 的 Blogspot (Blogger) 將支援 HTTPS

Google 宣佈 Blogspot (Blogger) 將會支援 HTTPS:「HTTPS support coming to Blogspot」。

配合 2014 年 Google 就已經公佈的「HTTPS as a ranking signal」,算是整個 Google 的趨勢...

強迫 Blogger (Blogspot) 使用 的網域 (而非 .tw)

在「Prevent Blogger from Redirecting your Blogspot Blog to Country-Specific URLs」這篇文章裡提到了 Blog 的擁有人要怎麼避免 Google 把網址導到 country-based 的網域下。

目前 Google Chrome 的使用者端可以安裝「NoCountryRedirect (NCR)」這個套件來避開這個問題,但你總不能要求每個人都裝套件...

而這篇文章則說明了如何在 Blogger 裡插入一段 javascript 避免使用 country-based domain:

<script type="text/javascript">
  // Written by Amit Agarwal
  /* Get the full URL of the current blogger page */
  var blog = document.location.href.toLowerCase();
  /* Do not redirect if the domain is .com already */
  if (!blog.match(/\.blogspot\.com/)) {
    /* Replace the country TLD with .com and ncr switch */
    blog = blog.replace(/\.blogspot\..*?\//, "");
    /* Redirect to the new .com URL in the current tab */
  // Source:

這樣做的好處主要是來自於 url 統一,對於統計、廣告以及分享的問題會減少很多。