這次 WWDC 推出的新功能,已經有人在討論機制與隱私問題了:「How does Apple (privately) find your offline devices?」。
前一代的「Find my iPhone」需要透過網路與 GPS 資料才能在系統上看到,這一代則是加上 BLE beacon,然後任何一台 iOS device 收到後就回傳回給蘋果:
Every active iPhone will continuously monitor for BLE beacon messages that might be coming from a lost device. When it picks up one of these signals, the participating phone tags the data with its own current GPS location; then it sends the whole package up to Apple’s servers.
幾個隱私問題在於,代傳的 iOS device 也會暴露位置資訊給蘋果,另外收到 BLE beacon 的 iOS device 本身是否可以解讀遺失機器的資訊?而商家看起來也可以利用這個方式主動發送攻擊而得知不少資料 (像是文章裡提到先前蘋果透過 randomize mac address 加強隱私的問題,這邊又多開了一個洞),現在蘋果給的資訊還不夠清楚,需要真的逆向工程確認才知道...