這篇算是考古文,找出 MySQL 裡 TIME
資料型態奇怪範圍的由來:「TIME for a WTF MySQL moment」。
在官方的文件裡面可以看到 TIME
的範圍是個奇怪的數字,如果把各版本的文件都拉出來看,會發現都沒改過:「11.2.3 The TIME Type (8.0)」、「11.2.3 The TIME Type (5.7)」、「11.2.3 The TIME Type (5.6)」,「11.3.2 The TIME Type (5.5,靠 Internet Archive 的存檔頁面)」、「11.3.2 The TIME Type (5.1,靠 Internet Archive 的存檔頁面)」、「11.3.2 The TIME Type (5.0,靠 Internet Archive 的存檔頁面)」,裡面一直都是:
TIME values may range from '-838:59:59' to '838:59:59'.
這個數字看起來應該是某個限制,但作者粗粗算了幾種可能都不像,所以就一路考古,發現算是在 MySQL 3 年代因為某個特別公式留下來的遺毒,就一路用到現在了:
One of the bits was used for the sign as well, but the remaining 23 bits were an integer value produced like this: Hours × 10000 + Minutes × 100 + Seconds; in other words, the two least significant decimal digits of the number contained the seconds, the next two contained the minutes, and the remaining ones contained the hours. 223 is 83888608, i.e. 838:86:08, therefore, the maximum valid time in this format is 838:59:59.
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