Starlink 北美北部封測

看到 Starlink 的北美北部的封測消息了:「I just officially received an email invite to the Starlink beta.」。

大家最在意的費用部份,設定費 USD$499,月費 USD$99:

It's called the Better Than Nothing Beta.

  • Estimated speeds 50Mbps to 150Mbps
  • Estimated latency 20ms to 40ms
  • Some interruptions in connectivity to be expected
  • $499 for the phased array antenna and router
  • $99 per month subscription

翻了一下 Reddit 上面的討論,目標族群跟之前猜測的差不多,這對於地廣人稀地區的使用者 (像是阿拉斯加的村落) 多了一個替代方案:「Starlink is 600x better than my current ISP BEFORE you consider data cap. My jaw dropped when I saw the official numbers.」。

I live in a rural village in Alaska and pay around $200/mo for service that is running fast if it hits 500kbps with a 40GB data cap.

Half the price for up to 300x faster service? Elon please start launching some polar orbits.

另外從「Mods, could we get a stickied post for confirmed beta invited states?」這邊可以看到目前主要都是北美北部的州拿到邀請,應該是商業策略...

想要取代 JPEG 的 BPG (Better Portable Graphics)

雖然是有點久的消息了,但還是拿出來講:「BPG Image format」。

在「BPG Image Comparison」這頁可以直接看到一些比較,在「BPG/JPEG comparison on the Lena picture」可以看到經典的萊娜圖比較。

很明顯 BPG 比 JPEG 好很多,而又比 WebP 更上一層樓。但是看到這個部份就皺眉了:

Based on a subset of the HEVC open video compression standard.

最後面也有提到 HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) 的專利問題:

Some of the HEVC algorithms may be protected by patents in some countries (read the FFmpeg Patent Mini-FAQ for more information). Most devices already include or will include hardware HEVC support, so we suggest to use it if patents are an issue.

繼續觀望下去 :o