Twitter 宣佈要廢掉免費的 API 權限

昨天下午的時候看到這則官方在 Twitter 上提到的消息,要廢掉 free tier 的 API access:

但這邊提到的 paid basic tier 的價錢還沒看到公告。以「API Pricing - It’s very dark out here」這邊看到的價格,目前的 premium plan 超級貴:

這下看起來是真的得搬了,目前有好幾隻程式在上面跑 :o

Dropbox 也要搞自己的密碼管理器

Dropbox 也要搞自己的密碼管理器 Dropbox Passwords:「Dropbox Passwords coming soon for all users」。

看起來只要是 Dropbox 的付費方案就可以無限使用,而免費版的則是 50 組。從下載頁看起來目前在 PC 上只支援 Microsoft WindowsmacOS,不支援 Linux

Come back to this page on a PC with Windows 10 or a Mac with at least macOS Sierra 10.12 to get the Passwords desktop app.

而行動平台就是 iOSAndroid

How do I use the Android and iPhone password manager?

Once you sign in to the Passwords app, it automatically fills in your usernames and passwords so you can access frequently used apps and websites on your mobile device.

從示意圖看起來有整合瀏覽器,而加密技術的部份沒有講太多,只說是 zero-knowledge encryption,先觀望看看...

Zoom 最後決定所有使用者都有 End-to-end encryption 了

先前在「Zoom 不提供 End-to-end Encryption 給免費版用戶」這邊提到的事情,剛剛看到 Zoom 宣佈改變策略,變成無論是付費還是免費的使用者都會提供 End-to-end encryption:「End-to-End Encryption Update」。

Free/Basic 的使用者要認證才能用這個功能:

To make this possible, Free/Basic users seeking access to E2EE will participate in a one-time process that will prompt the user for additional pieces of information, such as verifying a phone number via a text message.


微軟開源 1983 年版的 GW-BASIC

微軟用 MIT License 放出 1983 年版的 GW-BASIC:「Microsoft Open-Sources GW-BASIC」。

這次放出來程式看起來是 x86 assembly,不過放出來的版本好像也不能算是「原始」的版本,而是從 "master implementation" 轉譯出來的版本:

This source was ‘translated’?

Each of the assembly source files contains a header stating This translation created 10-Feb-83 by Version 4.3

Since the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) of the early processors used in home and personal computers weren’t spectacularly different from one another, Microsoft was able to generate a substantial amount of the code for a port from the sources of a master implementation. (Alas, sorry, we’re unable to open-source the ISA translator.)

主要還是 PR,然後帶一些考古價值...

Elasticsearch 提供免費版本的安全功能

Elasticsearch 決定將基本的安全功能從付費功能轉為免費釋出,很明顯的是受到 Open Distro for Elasticsearch 的壓力而做出的改變:「Security for Elasticsearch is now free」。

要注意的是這不是 open source 版本,只是將這些功能放到 basic tier 裡讓使用者免費使用:

Previously, these core security features required a paid Gold subscription. Now they are free as a part of the Basic tier. Note that our advanced security features — from single sign-on and Active Directory/LDAP authentication to field- and document-level security — remain paid features.

這代表 Open Distro for Elasticsearch 提供的還是比較多:

With Open Distro for Elasticsearch, you can leverage your existing authentication infrastructure such as LDAP/Active Directory, SAML, Kerberos, JSON web tokens, TLS certificates, and Proxy authentication/SSO for user authentication. An internal user repository with support for basic HTTP authentication is also avaliable for easy setup and evaluation.

Granular, role-based access control enables you to control the actions a user can perform on your Elasticsearch cluster. Roles control cluster operations, access to indices, and even the fields and documents users can access. Open Distro for Elasticsearch also supports multi-tenant environments, allowing multiple teams to share the same cluster while only being able to access their team's data and dashboards.

目前看起來還是可以朝 Open Distro for Elasticsearch 靠過去...

Dropbox 免費版限制三個裝置更新...

Dropbox 決定限制免費版的裝置數量,最多只能有三個裝置同步:「Dropbox adds three-device limit for free users」,對應的頁面是「Is there a limit to the number of devices I can link to my account?」。


If you're a Basic user and you linked more than three devices prior to March 2019, all of your previously linked devices will remain linked, but you can’t link additional devices.

另外一個選擇是付費版,最低是 1TB USD$9.99/month (年繳是 USD$99/year)。

看起來像是養肥了要殺,不過這個領域相關的技術應該是夠成熟,而且也不會用到什麼特別的功能,應該會去看看其他平台的情況,像是 SyncpCloud

其中 Sync 有免費版 (空間限制 5GB,付費版 500GB USD$49/year),不過官方不支援 Linux,有人用 Wine 跑過,但據說穩定性與效能都不太好:「 in Linux」。

pCloud (500GB EUR$47.88/year) 也是剛剛提到在 Linux 上跑 Sync 的人後來測試的服務,官方有支援 Linux (看起來是透過 AppImage 包裝),也許可以測試看看。

另外一個是自己一直都有在用的 Syncthing,不過設定同步的操作上只有 web interface,而且因為是信任架構,需要多台互相設定,沒那麼方便...