Elastic Load Balancing 總算實做 access log...

AWSElastic Load Balancing 總算想起來這個欠了許久的功能,access log:「Access Logs for Elastic Load Balancers」。

原文裡有提到用 Hive 分析的部份,挑出最前面的欄位名稱就可以看出提供什麼資訊:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE elb_raw_access_logs (
     Timestamp STRING,
     ELBName STRING,
     RequestIP STRING,
     RequestPort INT,
     BackendIP STRING,
     BackendPort INT,
     RequestProcessingTime DOUBLE,
     BackendProcessingTime DOUBLE,
     ClientResponseTime DOUBLE,
     ELBResponseCode STRING,
     BackendResponseCode STRING,
     ReceivedBytes BIGINT,
     SentBytes BIGINT,
     RequestVerb STRING,
     Protocol STRING

裡面還有些資訊沒包含在上面,像是 availability zone。因為這個資訊是包含在檔名內:

In addition to the bucket name and the prefix that you specified when you configured and enabled access logs, the log file name will also include the IP address of the load balancer, your AWS account number, the load balancer's name and region, the date (year, month, and day), the timestamp of the end of the logging interval, and a random number (to handle multiple log files for the same time interval).

接下來應該要把現有的 ELB 都開起來 XD

AWS ELB 加強安全性...

AWS ELB 加強對 SSL 安全性的功能:「Elastic Load Balancing – Perfect Forward Secrecy and Other Security Enhancements」。

第一個是支援 PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy),愈大多數的實做相同,是使用 ECDH

第二個是 Server Order Preference,由 server 這邊決定最終的 cipher。

最重要的是第三個,也就是「懶人包」。推出新的 security policy ELBSecurityPolicy-2014-01,把上面兩個都設進去了。


猜測 AWS ELB 內的架構...

AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) 是 AWS 在雲端上推出的 Load balancer。

在非雲端的架構上會使用 Layer 4 Switch (像是 F5Alteon),或是使用 open source 的 HAProxy

從實驗猜測 ELB 是這樣做的:

  • ELB 是 Amazon 自己開發的「軟體」,而非硬體。可能就是跑在 EC2 上,也可能為了 billing 的需求是跑在另外一個 cluster 上。
  • 在每一個有 instance 需要服務的 availability zone 上都會開一台 ELB instance 起來。
  • 每一個 ELB instance 會有一個 public IP 對外,在 ELB domain 解出來的 IP 可以查出來。

所以 ELB 的文件上會警告「每一個 AZ 的運算能力要盡可能接近」:

By default, the load balancer node routes traffic to back-end instances within the same Availability Zone.

To ensure that your back-end instances are able to handle the request load in each Availability Zone, it is important to have approximately equivalent numbers of instances in each zone.

這是因為不同 AZ 的平衡是靠 DNS round robin 處理,所以下面的例子就有建議儘量打平:

For example, if you have ten instances in Availability Zone us-east-1a and two instances in us-east-1b, the traffic will still be equally distributed between the two Availability Zones.

As a result, the two instances in us-east-1b will have to serve the same amount of traffic as the ten instances in us-east-1a.

As a best practice, we recommend that you keep an equivalent or nearly equivalent number of instances in each of your Availability Zones.

So in the example, rather than having ten instances in us-east-1a and two in us-east-1b, you could distribute your instances so that you have six instances in each Availability Zone.

而量大到一個 ELB instance 撐不住的時候,AWS 就會自動開出第二台:(目前都只放在同一個 zone 上)

lb-guesschocolate-1791292202.ap-northeast-1.elb.amazonaws.com. 60 IN A
lb-guesschocolate-1791292202.ap-northeast-1.elb.amazonaws.com. 60 IN A

以這樣的架構,當量夠大的時候,AWS 應該要有能力生出足夠多的 ELB instance 打散?之後再來觀察看看好了... 還有很多煩惱要處理 ~_~