HashiCorp 的東西都還蠻有品質的 (相較於其他的類似方案),其中有一個觀察到的特性是,如果他門把版本維持在 0.x,代表他們自己對軟體的品質與成熟度都不算滿意。
而 Terraform 算是他們家對於基礎建設資源管理所提出的方案 (尤其是雲端時代的資源),不過之前最頭痛的,每次升級就會發現有些基本的概念會被改掉,所以不是改改關鍵字就可以解決。
這次 Terraform 推出 1.0 版,代表了他們認為產品有一定的成熟度:「Announcing HashiCorp Terraform 1.0 General Availability」,另外在 GitHub 上面的「Release v1.0.0 · hashicorp/terraform」也可以看到:
Terraform v1.0 is an unusual release in that its primary focus is on stability, and it represents the culmination of several years of work in previous major releases to make sure that the Terraform language and internal architecture will be a suitable foundation for forthcoming additions that will remain backward compatible.
另外也可以從他們對相容性的宣示「Terraform v1.0 Compatibility Promises」看出來他們覺得架構上成熟了:
For all future minor releases with major version 1, we intend to preserve backward compatibility as described in detail in the Terraform v1.0 Compatibility Promises. The later Terraform v1.1.0 will, therefore, be the first minor release with new features that we will implement with consideration of those promises.
總算是開始進入會考慮 backward compatibility 的週期了...