Amazon Transcribe 可以自動偵測語言了

Amazon Transcribe 可以將聲音轉成文字,先前都需要自己指定語言,而這幾天發表新的功能,可以自動偵測語言:「Amazon Transcribe Now Supports Automatic Language Identification」。

不過系統要求最少要有 30 秒的資料,跟人類比起來還是有點差距,但比起之前好用不少:

With a minimum of 30 seconds of audio, Amazon Transcribe can efficiently generate transcripts in the spoken language without wasting time and resources on manual tagging.


There is no additional charge on top of the existing pricing.


Amazon Redshift 會自動在背景重新排序資料以增加效能

Amazon Redshift 的新功能,會自動在背景重新排序資料以增加效能:「Amazon Redshift introduces Automatic Table Sort, an automated alternative to Vacuum Sort」。

版本要到更新到 1.0.11118,然後預設就會打開:

This feature is available in Redshift 1.0.11118 and later.

Automatic table sort is now enabled by default on Redshift tables where a sort key is specified.


Redshift runs the sorting in the background and re-organizes the data in tables to maintain sort order and provide optimal performance. This operation does not interrupt query processing and reduces the compute resources required by operating only on frequently accessed blocks of data. It prioritizes which blocks of table to sort by analyzing query patterns using machine learning.

算是丟著讓他跑就好的東西,升級上去後可以看一下 CloudWatch 的報告,這邊沒有特別講應該是還好... XD


這邊講的是因為 Let's Encrypt 所發明的 ACME 協定,可以協助自動化發憑證的協定。

剛剛看到「Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME)」這個頁面,上面標 PROPOSED STANDARD,但點進去的 txt 檔開頭則是 Standards Track 了:

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                         R. Barnes
Request for Comments: 8555                                         Cisco
Category: Standards Track                             J. Hoffman-Andrews
ISSN: 2070-1721                                                      EFF
                                                             D. McCarney
                                                           Let's Encrypt
                                                               J. Kasten
                                                  University of Michigan
                                                              March 2019

不知道是不是兩邊不同步 (或是我對流程有誤會?),但這有一個標準文件可以參考了...