AT&T 網路的問題

Hacker News Daily 上看到個有趣的 troubleshooting 過程,AT&T 的線路會造成 random bit flipping 的問題,另外在 Hacker News 上的討論野蠻熱鬧的:「AT&T Fiber in the SF Bay Area is flipping bits (」。

有人生了一個 script 出來測試,這隻 script 會抓 的 HTTP 與 HTTPS 結果比較,從下面大家的留言回報,可以看出來有 random bit flipping 的問題:「bmastenbrook/」。


可惜看不到 AT&T 的回應,大家只能猜測是 memory 相關的問題,也許壞的部份有多個地方,造成 ECC 機制在某些情況下不夠用...

美國的電信商提供 API,讓第三方透過 IP 就可以知道你的真實身份

前陣子的報料,美國的電信商提供 API 給第三方,讓第三方可以用 IP address 查出你的真實身份:「Want to see something crazy? Open this link on your phone with WiFi turned off.」,像是這樣:

These services are using your mobile phone’s IP address to look up your phone number, your billing information and possibly your phone’s current location as provided by cell phone towers (no GPS or phone location services required).

目前所有的網站都已經被下架了,但可以從當時的截圖看到有多少資訊。AT&T 的新聞稿在「AT&T Helps Businesses Improve Mobile Transaction Security with New Mobile Identity API Toolkit」,新聞稿沒被下掉我猜可能是因為上市公司受法令限制的關係?


But what these services show us is even more alarming: US telcos appear to be selling direct, non-anonymized, real-time access to consumer telephone data to third party services — not just federal law enforcement officials — who are then selling access to that data.

而且作者在 GitHub 上看到有程式碼針對韓國電信商提供的 API 呼叫,所以韓國也有類似服務:

I found what looks like a third-party API implementation for a Korean Danal API on GitHub. The author wrote the code for South Korean telcos, so there may be differences with US carriers. The query parameters in the HTTP requests are similar to what I remember seeing in the Danal demo. It’s unclear from my reading of the code whether or not this API requires operation inside of e.g. a Danal Inc. hosted-iframe for identity confirmation. The diagram on page 4 of this documentation describing the Korean “Danal Pay” service appears to show the client interacting with the customer’s servers only.


波多黎各的 Project Loon 啟動

先前在「Alphabet (Google) 的 Project Loon 拿到授權,支援波多黎各的救災計畫」提到 Project Loon 當時還在研究要跟誰一起合作,現在確認會跟 AT&T 合作提供服務了:「Turning on Project Loon in Puerto Rico」。

Thanks to their support, we are now collaborating with AT&T to deliver emergency internet service to the hardest hit parts of the island.

接下來應該還會有不少數字丟出來... (像是透過 Project Loon 傳輸了多少資料,或是多少分鐘的語音通話)

電信商對 Zero Rating 與網路中立性的問題

在「AT&T users will be able to stream DirecTV Now without using their data」這邊才看到 FCC 在這個月月初針對電信商對特定服務的 zero rating 發出警告:「The FCC tells AT&T it may be violating net neutrality with its DirecTV plans」:

AT&T is far from the only US carrier to zero rate data. T-Mobile has been ostentatiously offering free data for music and movies for a year now, and Verizon also zero rates video from its Go90 app. But in zero rating DirecTV, the FCC thinks AT&T may have gone too far.

AT&T 說任何人只要付錢都可以參加這個 plan:

AT&T’s argument is that any company that participates in its Sponsored Data program has to pay AT&T for it, and that includes DirecTV.

但問題還是在 AT&T 擁有 DirecTV,所以是左手付到右手:

Except, again, AT&T owns DirecTV, so even if one division is paying another, the overall company still ends up not paying any money.


The situation for other companies is very different — and the FCC believes that the price they’d have to pay is “significant[.]”


AT&T 因限制使用者 iPhone 使用量被告,判罰 $850 美金

Slashdot 看到 iPhone 使用者使用 AT&T 所提供的 Unlimited data plan,但卻因為使用量過大而被限速,於是控告 AT&T 勝訴的案例:「User Successfully Sues AT&T For Throttling iPhone Data」,不過這件案子還可以上訴。

雖然有線與無線的架構差很多,但這讓我想到「NCC通過20M光纖費率 但不准中華電信限速」這則 2009 年的報導,以及「3G上網太慢 中華電信擬提回饋方案」、「重度行動上網用戶調高收費案 中華電信暫時喊卡」這兩則去年的新聞...



首先是有攻擊者成功利用 Comodo CA 產生 的 SSL certificate:「Report of incident on 15-MAR-2011」,雖然被 revoke (撤銷),但是我們知道 revoke 機制極度脆弱:「Revocation doesn't work」。

過沒幾天,有人發現 AT&TFacebook 的流量會流經中國 ISP 的網路設備:「Facebook traffic mysteriously passes through Chinese ISP」。

