SHA-1 在 2022 的破解速度已經降到 ~5.4 GPU years

前幾天在 Hacker News 上看到目前撞 SHA-1 collision 的難度:「How easy is it in 2022 to find a SHA1 collision? (」,原文在「How easy is it in 2022 to find a SHA1 collision?」。

在答案裡面有提到,即使在不考慮 ASIC 的情況下,光是用 GPU 算就可以可以降到 ~5.4 GPU years 了:

Remarkably, we can see that in only 5 years, we're down from an attack costing ~110 GPU years to an attack costing ~8 GPU-years in 2020 (thanks to theoretical improvements & newer GPUs) to just ~5.4 GPU years nowadays (thanks to newer, faster GPUs).

除了演算法本身的進步以外,GPU 的效能進展也帶動不少,而如果考慮到 ASIC 的話會快更多,對美國政府來說,如果搬出超級電腦來算的話,就是一天可以撞一個出來:

In a more realistic way, it would take less than a day to do it on a super-computer such as the one owned by the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) named "Summit".


Bitmain 推出 AI chip

BitmainBitcoin ASIC 市場上算是很有名的,就利用作 ASIC 的經驗推出自己的 AI chip 了:「Bitcoin’s Biggest Tech Player to Release AI Chips and Computers」。

這樣除了可以在雲端上租用 Google Cloud PlatformCloud TPU 以外,也可以自己買硬體來算了 (雖然軟體的支援應該還要再等):「Tensor Computing Processor BM1680」。

AlphaGo 不是使用 GPU 加速...

Google 今天公佈的資料中說明了 AlphaGo 不是用一般常見的 GPU 加速運算:「Google supercharges machine learning tasks with TPU custom chip」。

這是特別為 TensorFlow 製作的 ASIC:

The result is called a Tensor Processing Unit (TPU), a custom ASIC we built specifically for machine learning — and tailored for TensorFlow.

而 AlphaGo 用的版本是 TPU 版:

AlphaGo was powered by TPUs in the matches against Go world champion, Lee Sedol, enabling it to "think" much faster and look farther ahead between moves.

放 AlphaGo 的機櫃長這樣:

通常 ASIC 特製的版本會比 FPGA 或是 GPU 快上許多,這代表目前這些沒有大公司撐腰的圍棋軟體要跟 AlphaGo 拼,除非演算法上有重大的突破,不然就得用更大量的設備跟他換...