Google 的應該是做的最早的,Microsoft 的 Microsoft Translator Text API 也出來一陣子了,而 AWS 在這次 re:Invent 推出了自家的翻譯服務 Amazon Translate:「Introducing Amazon Translate – Real-time Language Translation」。
目前還在 Preview,需要申請才能用,不過價目表「Amazon Translate Pricing」已經先出來了 (畢竟已經有競爭對手,可以參考他們的價錢):
Sign up for the Amazon Translate preview today and try the translation service. Learn more about the service by checking out the preview product page or reviewing the technical guides provided in the AWS documentation.
At Preview, Amazon Translate supports translation between English and any of the following languages: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish. Support for more languages is coming soon.