一般的 Time Sync Service 服務大多是 ms 等級,也就是 10-3 秒這個等級,μs 則是到了 10-6...
但這其實有點詭異,目前只有 AWS 東京區有這個服務,而且限制在 r7g 的機器上才能用:
Amazon Time Sync with microsecond-accurate time is available starting today in the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region on all R7g instances, and we will be expanding support to additional AWS Regions and EC2 Instance types.
也就是說 us-east-1、us-west-2 這些第一線熱門的區域沒有,另外只有特別的 ARM 機種,而且是 memory-intensive 的 r7g 才能用?
After you do this, you can launch Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, create Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes,and make use of other services including Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). The new Local Zones include T3, C5, M5, R5, and G4dn instances in select sizes, along with General Purpose SSD (gp2) EBS volumes.
不過這邊有不一致的地方:在 AWS 頁面上是寫 T3 是 upcoming,但 Jeff Barr 的公告則是說可以用 T3,這點晚點來測試看看才知道哪個是對的... 因為我現在連 m5.large 也開不起來: